Sleep?!?! How do you do it?

Dave Taylor

Rex kwan Do
I feel like I am always willing to put in the work. My problem is my mind constantly races. I don’t drink to get drunk, I drink to fall asleep. This is a double edged swird as I almost always wake up in the night to pee. According to Garmin my sleep patterns are always fluctuating. I can almost never fall asleep during the day and rarely wake up later than 7. I need to calm my brain, like in yoga. When I go to bed at night I fall asleep immediately but getting to the bed is the problem. I have a class a cdl and crane license so gummies, cbd, weed etc won’t work. Melatonin seems to make me sleep through the night but anything but a deep sleep.
After going sober from New Year’s Day through Easter for the last three years I can tell you Booze is pretty much the worst thing for sleep and/or rest. Once you stop drinking you realize you don’t need nearly as my coffee, my coffee intake gets cut down to a third of what it normally is if I have not had drinks for awhile.
Stop with Melatonin. It'll fuck up your sleep patterns, I'm sure the dosage is way higher than your body creates and probably isn't even consistent in the pills you take.

It's a hormone. Would you take generic Cortisol, Estrogen or Testosterone in random amounts at the wrong times?

And not saying to take CBD, but do they actually test for that or just THC? Or is the amount of THC in the CBD enough to blow a test?
My two cents FWIW. There appears to be multiple things going on. First off, alcohol (ETOH) is a depressant that will help with getting to the initial sleep stages, but interferes with the brain's ability to get into the deep sleep state the brain needs for recharging. Step one is quit the alcohol. A couple of other the earlier suggestions is also good with the early morning exercise and no caffeine after 1pm. I have problems going to sleep at night also and personally can vouch that ANY caffeine after mid day will have me still staring at the ceiling at 1am. Once the the caffeine and ETOH is cleaned out, the racing brain at night is the real villain. In order to go to sleep you body needs to cool down, have the heart rate and mind slowed down. Check into some progression relaxation exercises along with Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) distraction exercises. It takes some practice to get the "monkey brain" to get on board. If this doesn't help after a couple of month, it may be time to bring in a pro (check if your company as EAP sessions at no cost). A therapist might help with some more in depth techniques and if it is still happening, may be a psychiatrist to go a little deeper (and more appropriate meds for the short term).
Could try this...
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Stop with Melatonin. It'll fuck up your sleep patterns, I'm sure the dosage is way higher than your body creates and probably isn't even consistent in the pills you take.
Easy to say. But when you’re staring at the clock 12, 1, 2, 3AM… you’ll try anything. Especially when it’s several nights in a row.

If you’re having trouble sleeping and it’s fucking up your life a little bit, go to a specialist. There’s options.
Based off the thread title, how I do it?

Do less. If I have too many irons in the fire and not getting forward progress on them I keep thinking about the next that needs immediate attention then the others catch up. Your life if different than mine but it’s how I manage.
Based off the thread title, how I do it?

Do less. If I have too many irons in the fire and not getting forward progress on them I keep thinking about the next that needs immediate attention then the others catch up. Your life if different than mine but it’s how I manage.

Same thing but tying loose ends, a satisying night begins with a day fullfilled.
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