Riding Knob Hill Trails in Milford PA?


I'm going to be in the Milford, PA area over Thanksgiving. A few weeks ago, I was speaking to someone who said there's some good riding there that includes a singletrack that runs along the cliffs overlooking the Delaware River. I found a little info online, but nothing that specifically pertains to riding this area. Does anyone have any experience riding here? I'm looking for the best places to start, routes, GPS data...anything really would be helpful. Thanks in advance, and have fun stuffing your faces this week.

Contact TC formerly of Martys of Hackettstown. He opened the shop up there and knows all the details of knob hill. IIRC he said much of those trails are on private property but no real issues though it's hunting season and those Pa hunters are serious about it.
Be careful Milford is the perfect get out of NJ town. There's good food up their to be found too...
Pretty fun stuff. Leaf cover was pretty heavy last week. Might be a hair challenging solo.

It is surprisingly hilly there too. A bunch of guy skin the hills there in the winter and snowboard down.
99% of everything in this thread is illegal. Can we lock it up and shut it down please......
The stuff we rode in High Point is on the map. Mashipicong, Fuller, Life, not the stuff you speak of by the old jail on Rt23.
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