Riding and Renting a MTB in Southern California


Well-Known Member
I'm heading out to LA on Tuesday for work. I land a 9am and have nothing to do for the whole day. I'll be out there until June 28th, with Friday the 21st-monday free.

I was originally going to check out Joshua Tree and palm springs and play some golf. That's out, the temps will be 120! Any suggestion on a cool place in Southern Cal to stay, either hike or bike and get a round or 2 of golf in? Work pays for my weekend on trips like this, so any place under $350-400 for the night is fine.

Is there any place to rent a bike near a trailhead. I haven't had a lot of luck looking thru the interweb. I can go anywhere, south, north, east, just not west.

Any suggestions?
I've rented from The Path in Tustin before, and they were cool dudes. Not sure if you can ride from the shop though, probably need to rent a bike rack or have a rental car you can fit the bike in. Also, fuck golfing 😜
Second The Path. I bought my Ventana from them back in 07. They have demos.
A few miles northeast of the shop is Santiago Oaks.
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