Recovery Foods

Arwen's Mom

Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains
I asked about recovery foods in my "misadventures" thread, but only got one response (thanks soundz).

I really am curious about how many of you view "recovery" foods. Is it just eat whatever or do you look for something specific?
What would be a target amount of protein in a during riding food as opposed to an after ride or "recovery" food?
What else do you look for in a recovery food?
Do most of you feel that you need to eat during that first hour after riding for maximum benefit?
What do you look for in a during the ride food? Is sodium and protein content more important then or after?
Do you feel greek yogurt can be a good recovery food? (HAHA better than pizza???)
Would really love to hear some opinion and/or experiences with this stuff.

Goal: recovery and steady weight loss....

usually bring a cliff builder bar with me, and eat that when done. 270 calories, 20g protein.

if road riding, the route usually terminates at my house, then muscle milk light light - has that fun cho-milk after a bike ride feeling. 150 calories,, 20g protein.

And yes, within 30 minutes of finishing the ride. Usually have an extra water bottle in the car, and that gets finished off too.

been reading some of the triathlon food/fuel tips ( - they recommend full strength sports drink for carbs during the event for multiple reasons - it also justified those yummy caffeinated blocks!

greek yogurt is high protein, low-fat/low-calorie yumminess. it has been relegated to a breakfast food (5x a week), or part of a "sauce" at my house.
perhaps put it right on the pizza ?? probably go low-fat feta then!

disclaimer: i'm not a dr - i play one on the internet.
i don't do any training at all, but when i do a longer ride (2+ hours) where i push it to the point where my legs are sore the next day, i "recover" with two of the following:

1. a really watered down sports drink (gatorade usually). i try to get this in me as fast as possible to avoid headaches. this i got from norm's suggestion a while back. norm didn't suggest gatorade, but its what i had at the time, and it worked, and is still working, so i'm sticking with it. headache free ever since i posted up about it.

2. after that i chug some milk. figure it's got some sugar, protein, and calcium. you use all that stuff up during a harder ride, so i figure put it back in the tank. i have high blood pressure so i don't worry too much about replacing salts since i have to cut salt out and probably still eat too much of it. i usually don't feel like eating after a long ride, so i go with liquids.

that's only after longer rides tho, which aren't too common for me. short rides in the morning i usually recover with a water and some coffee 😀
I asked about recovery foods in my "misadventures" thread, but only got one response (thanks soundz).

I really am curious about how many of you view "recovery" foods. Is it just eat whatever or do you look for something specific?
What would be a target amount of protein in a during riding food as opposed to an after ride or "recovery" food?
What else do you look for in a recovery food?
Do most of you feel that you need to eat during that first hour after riding for maximum benefit?
What do you look for in a during the ride food? Is sodium and protein content more important then or after?
Do you feel greek yogurt can be a good recovery food? (HAHA better than pizza???)
Would really love to hear some opinion and/or experiences with this stuff.


I guess it partially depends on what your goals are. What are you looking for here?
Personally, the only thing I take after a race or training ride is a serving of Recoverite. If it's a long drive home from a race, I'll bring some nuts or fruit to keep me occupied on the way home but I don't look at it as a way of recovery food. Obviously I'll be hungry after a couple hours of riding then a 30-120 minute drive home but I just eat a normal amount of food that would be the same as any lunch or dinner, depending when I'm back from the ride.
During a ride I don't take any food/gels/etc either unless the event is lasting more than 90 minutes. Imo, Your body should have enough in it to give whatever effort you need in that timeframe. I'll use heed in the water bottles but that's not food (duh).
Otherwise, I don't take anything or need to eat w/in any specific time frame. I keep my diet (and sleep/rest) relatively tight and don't suffer any soreness or abnormal/excessive fatigue.
I love choc milk post ride.. In warmer weather, I keep it in the freezer so It's nice & icy cold when I want it. I find it hard to eat anything directly after a ride, so it works for me.
I eat a complete package of shot blocks every hour if I'm going to be out there for more than 2 hours. Afterwards if I'm being good, a can of tuna(very high in protein low in fat and carbs) and a nice salads works. In general I try not to intake too many carbs and fat once I'm done being active for the day. All of those extra carbs will store as fat if you don't use them, where they will be much harder to access to burn.
After riding, I prefer a malt-based recovery beverage.😉


this forum software needs like/dislike buttons on the posts, with rollover to see who voted....assuming it is open source, i probably should do something about that!
If I am unable to access real food within 1 hour, I try to have handy recoverite in almond milk, and maybe some fruit if a meal is hours away. I actually try to get a real meal in soon if rides are over 2 hours. Greek yogurt, choc milk and pbj could work instead of recoverite. On the bike Heed.
For post ride, I don't look for anything specific necessarily, except that's when I'll let the balance go a little heavier on carbs (pre-ride I skew towards protein and easily digestible).
And yes, I always eat something during that hour afterward- science tells me to.
If I won't be home within that hour, I'll grab a chocolate milk, hard boiled eggs, some fruit, otherwise it's what I have in the fridge.

And of course I'm with everyone who said malt-based recovery beverages.
Better for you than soda.

And greek yogurts are pretty good- I think these typically have more protein than other yogurts.
If I had my way I'd go for something that used to have legs (cow, chicken, pig) but it generally turns out to be whatever mom puts on the table.
If I had my way I'd go for something that used to have legs (cow, chicken, pig) but it generally turns out to be whatever mom puts on the table.

no dead animals on my plate.

OK so chocolate beer and yogurt. Sounds good to me!
Two or three xanax and a roxi, if I'm not driving I will add in a pair of flexerol.

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