Reattach soles on shoes with Contact Cement?


Well-Known Member
My 12 year old Pearl Izumi shoes blew up in Saturday's heat. The soles detached on both shoes. On other shoes, I've used Crazy glue type glue as well as Gorilla Glue with mixed results. Someone suggested Contact Cement. Can anyone report on their results with Contact Cement?
Everything in the bike industry is on sale these days. Take advantage of it. Get some new shoes.
This, shoe goo is great for a flappy rubber piece. But an entire clipless sole, yikes.

If you are set on glue, I haven't found an application where gorilla glue has failed.
12 year old shoes???? What's your secret, lack of use perhaps?? At this point just the age of them will cause them to disintegrate.

I agree with fire, new shoes - It's your best course of action.
12 year old shoes???? What's your secret, lack of use perhaps?? At this point just the age of them will cause them to disintegrate.

I agree with fire, new shoes - It's your best course of action.
Yes, lack of use. These are the backup shoes for when my regular shoes have issues.
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