Rahway River Crit accident - Ambrose Stafford


Well-Known Member
I read on Jim Vreelands FB that there was an accident at the race and someone was airlifted out. I did some more digging and it looks like it was Ambrose Stafford. Does anyone have any information on his condition? This is a terrible thing to have happen to anyone, but Ambrose is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. I hope he is ok.

Well wishes and prayers Ambrose.
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Great guy. I had fun during CX season with him. Wishing him a quick recovery.
Such terrible news & a shock to hear when it's someone you know. Anyone that hears anything, please keep us posted
Holy shit, this sucks. So sad to hear this news. Ambrose was at our clinic last year and was in our B group. Since then it's become obvious that he is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. This is really terrible to hear. Wishing our friend a full and speedy recovery.
Posted on the Foundation Cycling FB page:

Ambrose is a fighter. His brain pressure is stable and we are just waiting to see what he will be able to do. He feels your love and when he is well and moving along in his recovery, I know he would love to see his racing family. But for now, he needs rest. Thx for ALL the overwhelming support you have all shown my husband. Xoxo
I sure hope he is ok, he was always happy and willing to help with advice the few times I rode with him.
So I heard from Ambrose today - I asked him to swing by here to say hello. Hopefully he finds time.

While i don't want to provide any spoilers, or give out info which might be considered private,
he will be returning to work shortly. the recovery could be considered miraculous, as
his wife was being prep'd for a bad outcome, even if he survived.

It has been a long road, and he still has the competitors spirit while embracing the good of community.

Welcome back @ambrosestafford

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
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Hi fidodie, thank you, I appreciate all of your help.

Hi to everyone at mtbNJ.com,

All is well. Extraordinarily well.
One silver lining is that I'm getting to spend much more time with my wife and kids. Even at Elementary school ages the kids are amazing morale boosters. The support I get from my wife is incalculable.

Also, I can't overstate how much help all of you have been giving and are giving me. Sometimes what seems like the smallest things in life are actually among the most priceless. Even what seems like "just a thought" is a big help. Even if we've never met.
Thank you.

I always love science. Now, I have an even greater appreciation for brilliant medical staff. Everyone from the leading surgeons and doctors and including nurse aides and custodians make massive contributions to enhancing human lives.

As much as I appreciate our medical teams I'm a firm believer in the precious value of morale support from people. Thank you for all of your kind thoughts and prayers no matter what god you believe in. It's all good.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone and your families and friends.
I had thought about racing the crit that day but decided against it so it hit very hard to hear the news. Makes me happy beyond belief to hear from you that things are going extraordinarily well.

Love the Avatar BTW. Long live that merry molecule.
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