
OMG, thanks for posting this, I'd never seen this before! Now I feel as if I was robbed from part of my childhood!
OMG, thanks for posting this, I'd never seen this before! Now I feel as if I was robbed from part of my childhood!

I thought the same thing!

Ok now man up everyone...who wore those sweet get ups pictured in this film? It wasnt me bc i was still drinking milk from a bottle when this movie came out.
i was also the first kid on my street with parachute pants, which i proudly wore with laceless white hightops and a black, fake leather vest with no shirt underneath.
all my friends had them, but i could never convince my parents to spend $80 on a pair of pants for a kid who was growing an inch or two a month at the time....
ok, how about SKIDZ then?

I have to imagine that whoever designed that ad is currently starving.
skids ruled! i also had loads of b.u.m. equiptment clothing, a couple pairs of exhaust jeans. i was rockin.
Parachute pants anyone? Those with white high-tops (untied) and my Powerslave concert shirt had me walking tall. Lots of zippers.
see below mike, from page 1. 😀

Shit - missed that.

Was wathcing the opening sequence to that movie the other day and brought back memories of my BMX days. Tuff Wheels, fold-down fork pegs, the Potts Modification. Remember when Oakley just made grips?. Must of spent hundreds of hours learning how to do a "Miami Hopper" whch was my crowning freestyle achievement when I was 14.

Stuff seems pretty elementary compared to the tricks those guys are pulling these days, though.
even though i rode bmx bikes then, i wasn't really bmxing on them, i was basically mtb'ing. just out riding quad trails all over the place. started riding bmx when i was 22 though. managed to destroy myself within three years.
proud to say I never owned z cavs or skidz or whatever. Black jeans, doc martens and concert shirts were pretty much my school age wardrobe.
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