As it pertains to @Johnny Utah and his discussion from today, I ask a simple question. Where are you reading this thread?
Identity theft is not a joke!Bikes
Battlestar Galactica
i'm w/ you, laptop or ipad for this site, the few times i did use it on my phone were rough (the site seems to render better when the phone is flipped landscape as opposed to portrait fwiw)I dislike using my phone for much more than voice/txt (I know, shocking, I call people), funny reels and mapping apps. Browsing the web and reading posts on a message board on a tiny screen is something that I cannot understand. I realize I am in the minority here, but it can wait until I have a bigger screen.
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furthest from NJ this year would beDuPont/Pisgah because DUH... I am an idiot and forgot about Moab already.
It's Thursday. I can't think on Thursdays