Picnic: Who's in?


A strong 7
First Annual MTBNJ.com Picnic at Lewis Morris - Oct. 20 2007
Event: 1st Annual MTBNJ.com Picnic
Date: Saturday, October 20, 2007
Location: Lewis Morris County Park, Sugarloaf Picnic Area
Time: 10 am to ??? (or dusk, whichever comes first)
Details& Questions: http://www.mtbnj.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2869

Please reply ONLY if you intend to come, with the following information, "yes" or "maybe", with the number of adults and children.

For example: Yes, 2 adults and 2 children

We will plan our list of "needs" from this information.

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So far just me and not until 4:30 if I can't get a baby sitter 🙁 Best case scenario is me and a few friends with our bikes and some food and some Miller. (I don't want to hear it. I like the flavor)😎
So far just me and not until 4:30 if I can't get a baby sitter 🙁 Best case scenario is me and a few friends with our bikes and some food and some Miller. (I don't want to hear it. I like the flavor)😎

Watch out....the hardcore beer lovers here won't talk to you if you show up with Miller :rofl:
1 adult maybe well, good chance - I have a wedding the night before, not sure of the plans yet. I'll keep ya'll posted.
Shame but doesn't look like me and the fam are making the picnic. Down visiting the in-laws in VA that weekend. Hopefully I'll ride Fountainhead and have a ride report but that's about the best I can do. Have fun - Justin
I believe it's normally TM day at LM the 3rd Saturday of the month? But it sounds like this will be more a party than work, so count me in!
I'm in - 1 adult.

I'm in - 1 adult... since I don't know if anyone I know will be there I'm going to see if any MTBing friends would also like to go...
I believe it's normally TM day at LM the 3rd Saturday of the month? But it sounds like this will be more a party than work, so count me in!
good point, and while this is not part of the MTP work crew, we would hope they do stop by afterwards to say hello.
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