patriots path question


Strong like bull, smart like tractor
Team MTBNJ Halter's
anyone ride patriots path outside of to chester? i was thinking of adding this to my weekly ride. an out to morristown and back. is the whole thing rideable? thanks!
i'm definitely going to do it. instead of going to deer park for the ride tomorrow, i may do this. i figured it was pretty flat, but i would rather put the miles in the saddle of my mt. bike than my b@stardized road bike. i actually met a guy this morning wake boarding that rides and knows a guy that either does it or has done it. i'll post up to let folks know the skinny though.
We did it with the wives last year heythorp...

I've ridden patriots from near speedwell lake to, what is it, Mendham? It's around a 20 mile round trip. It's a fast arobic kinda ride. Fun to work in a loop at LM as well for some hills.
heythorp said:
IMHO if you are just looking for milage and time in the saddle nothing will do more for you then the road. I know its boring as shit.

I always wondered why, with any given riding opportunity, I'd always grab the mountain bike instead of my road bike! Oh! That's why! It's not that road bike ride is boring, per se... it's just that compared to mountain bike riding, road riding is boring. It's just not..... the same!
Laura T said:
I always wondered why, with any given riding opportunity, I'd always grab the mountain bike instead of my road bike! Oh! That's why! It's not that road bike ride is boring, per se... it's just that compared to mountain bike riding, road riding is boring. It's just not..... the same!

You hear that heythorp, when are you going to sell that road bike and buy a "fun" bike?
heythorp said:
maybe you and i can form a coop and i can ride your bike during the day while you worky worky 😀 😀 😀

HA! Gimme that set of wheels in your basement and we'll talk. 🙂
heythorp said:
maybe you and i can form a coop and i can ride your bike during the day while you worky worky 😀 😀 😀

LOL, that's not a bad idea!
group rides

bonefishjake said:
anyone ride patriots path outside of to chester? i was thinking of adding this to my weekly ride. an out to morristown and back. is the whole thing rideable? thanks!

Dear Friend biker,
I just like to add to one biker to another theres a beginner ride every Tuesdays nights starting Sussex ave. on Patriots path time 6:30pm it last till 8:30pm for more infomation. plus Wedesday nights same place and its a B+ pace to A+ pace starting 6:00pm sharp.. seeya on the trails keep cranking
peace Evan M.
thanks evan-
i live right by the randolph marty's and i'm on the website pretty frequently so i'm up to speed on the rides they have. i've been meaning to get out to that ride, just haven't found the time.

Patriots path

I believe that Patriots path keeps going and going and going. The rail trail through the black River WMA is part of Patriots path. I think the newest map is on line.
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