New addition to Rattlesnake


New Member
I was riding yesterday right before the storm and noticed there is a new upper section of rattlesnake cut in through the woods.

Had to be pretty recent because I was just up there on Tuesday and I didn't see it.

Starts right at the graveyard on tombstone, cuts through the woods bypassing the section that runs through the tall grass on the edge of the pipeline.

It's pretty good. The way it probably should have been. There is pretty steep ramp, seems a little short and steep, and the angle seems tough to get in to hit it. I haven't tried it yet, but I am not sure how good that thing is...
well that's really great news. that section after pines that connects tombstone and rattlesnake is 100% bulls**t. the grass is taller than me and in the past 5-10 years i've encountered TWO actual rattlesnakes just waiting in ambush there (both times closer to the rattlesnake section, ironically). i'd pay money to be able to avoid that area
Man... I rode this a few days ago. You know where the downed tree is with all the rocks layed in it so you can ride over it? I love that feature and have gone over that more times than I can count. But the other day I went otb because the rocks on top where all pushed out and made a big void. I didn't expect this obviously and even though I tried like hell to pull my front wheel up over it I wasn't fast enough and fooosh. I landed chest first on the cut off log then off of that to the ground.

That sucked!!! I mean, other then an ugly bruise on my chest I am fine.

Obviously someone wiped out or something on it knocking the rocks everywhere. But you can't leave shit the way it was left. I fixed it obviously but damn man....
!!!!BEWARE!!!! This is the second time I've ridden down rattlesnake in the past couple weeks, where it looks like there is deliberate damage to the trail to injure mountain bikers.

Two weeks ago I rode down rattlesnake, not that long after I posted this initially. And where the trees are with all the rocks in it where you go over, one of my favorite features on that trail. In the middle all the Rocks were tore out and throwing to either side. I went over it not knowing this and even though I saw it was messed up when I got up on top of it, it wasn't quick enough to adjust and pull my wheel up over the log and I went OTB, and my chest landed on the cut log that's the right after that feature. Luckily I wasn't hurt very bad. Just some bruising
After I had otb'd, I went back and fixed all the rocks. Make sure they were all in place. I've ridden rattlesnake a couple times since then. But the other day I wrote it and the Rocks were all tore out of it again. Just the rocks in the center and they were all tore out and thrown on the ground. Only this time I made it over only because now every time I go to ride over that feature I'm very wary.

I spent a good amount of time fixing the Rocks this time, they were even more messed up than the last time. I even did a little work to make it better than it was before.

So if you're going to go down rattlesnake keep your eyes open when you hit that feature. It may be torn up again.
So someone went in there between late Saturday afternoon and today then. There wasn’t any issues Saturday.
That kicker is amateur hour all the way. Like the jumps we used to build in the yard as kids. Ditto for the mulch berm. The “trail builder’s” time would have been better spent trimming back the overgrown portion of the existing trail.
I disagree with the time better spent. That run into the trail along side the pipe line is boring. And it's been trimmed back twice already.

From what I understand, the original rattlesnake was where the new trail is. But there was a lot of downed trees and no on cleared then so people went down the side of the pipeline to get around all the downed tree.

I agree the kicker is crap. Super steep. The run up is horrible.

The mulch berms? The one before the kicker is fine. But it's a state park. Can't exactly dig up the park to build up berms.
Your culprit probably stands 6'10" black hair and smells real bad.
I know the bears like to turn up rocks in the ground looking for citronella ants. But these rocks are piled up and there's nothing under the rocks that were moved but more rocks.

Also, things has been there for how many years? I've ridden over it countless times. First time I ever had it all messed up. 2 times.

Regardless, if your headed down rattlesnake pay attention when. Going over that feature
I agree trimming back the original trail, but that needs more than a weed whacker at this point. I did ask my buddy who is the manager of the pipeline and their trimming isn’t until the fall. I know Tennessee has been against the right of way being touched.
That kicker is amateur hour all the way. Like the jumps we used to build in the yard as kids. Ditto for the mulch berm. The “trail builder’s” time would have been better spent trimming back the overgrown portion of the existing trail.
I would argue that almost everything is a derivative of something we built as kids. Either way, definitely saw rattlesnake in the heavily over grown section the other day.
I mean, it's all volunteers. No one is paying professional trail builders. Time and resources of volunteers.

I built that feature back up better than it was. I'd also like to fix up the feature at the bottom. That needs some work.

I have also been battling the 2 giant puddles at the highland lakes cheery ridge entrance. I got most of the water to drain. I have a plan I think will keep it drained.
I agree trimming back the original trail, but that needs more than a weed whacker at this point. I did ask my buddy who is the manager of the pipeline and their trimming isn’t until the fall. I know Tennessee has been against the right of way being touched.
The thing is, that stretch along the pipeline in the grase is not the original trail. It actually ran down where this new section is. Or somewhere near it. But a while back, it got blocked off by a lot of fallen Trees. The grassy section was just from people going around where the trail was blocked.

Whoever built the new stretch was actually rebuilding the original section.
Just a bit of history. The original trail was very close to where it runs out on the pipeline now. The pipeline however was about a 3rd the size you see now. The gas company widened it when they put in a new line. Most of the trees that are down up there came down in I think either hurricane Irene or Sandy years before the gas company widened the pipeline and the trails were clear.

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