Mount Peg
Mount Peg is a medium-sized trail system directly south of the town of Woodstock, VT. As of this writing (summer 2024), I've been there two times. The trails are fun, with the southern end having some incredible machine-built trails which you could probably session all day. There are several other downhill runs, but the stuff at the south end is, IMO, by far the best.
Unlike many other Vermont destinations, the town of Woodstock has pretty much anything & everything you need. You can easily spend a whole day there with biking, eating, and hanging out in town.
Mount Peg has been part of the ESC enduro races in the past. The 3 enduro runs here are on the more raw side, so you should expect that if you ride them. The rest of the trails are pretty hardpack/groomed. There are 2 machine-built trails as well which are absolutely the gems of the park.
Getting There
The town of Woodstock is just about 5 hours from central NJ. The map shown here goes up the CT/VT gut. More often than not, we're coming in from Rutland so we go up 87.
General Ride/Trail Notes
The park generally "rides" from top to bottom, or from north to south. Now that I have ridden this park twice, I see why people park at the lower end, ride the road into town, then start up "top" and make their way "down". If you look at the trails list, sorting the trails by number of times ridden, you see this jump out at you:
- Cloud Drop
- Cloud Drop Connector
- Charlie's
- Sir Bermsalot
- Pegway
In addition to Charlie's, Schist Creek and Hardstyle are in the ESC enduro. Charlie's is reasonable enough for anyone to enjoy, though it does roll right into James Jungle which is more rough. Schist is a bit on the raw side, like your typical enduro run. Hardstyle literally starts where Cloud Drop starts. It's hard to justify skipping Cloud Drop so I have never ridden it. Maybe one day.
Pegway is a connector and will probably show up in many ride logs.
There is a trail called Constant Flow which certainly sounds interesting, but we have never ridden it.
These are more or less the same ride. Next time I will try something different, probably the idea of parking low, riding the road up, and riding my way back.
Trip Planner
Mount Peg is 1 of 3 trail systems in Woodstock, the other 2 being Aqueduct as well as Saskadena 6. You could make a 3-day weekend out of those 3 trails if you wanted to stay in Woodstock.
Killington Bike Park and the Sherburne Trails are just about 30 minutes to the west. Ascutney is roughly 20 minutes south. Tunnel Ridge and the Rochester Trails are about 45 minutes away. The Green Mountain Trails are probably 40 minutes away.
You could easily spend a week up here in this area riding just those systems and never have to drive more than 45 minutes any given day, more often than not less than that.
Food & Drink
The town of Woodstock is teeming with things to do, quite literally. It may be the most "vibrant" downtown I have seen in the state. Check Zillow for house prices and you'll see what I mean. Clearly some of the NY/NJ money has made it here. That said, we have gone to these spots before:
- Abracadabra Coffee Company - small roaster that used to be in town but has since moved to a larger location north of town
- Woodstock Farmer's Market - great way to spend a lot of money on a little food, but they do have excellent fresh bread and local cheeses
- Mountain Creamery - We've been to the old location in town, this is a new location
- Worthy Kitchen - related to Worthy Burger, another place in VT somewhere. Mitch says the chicken is amazing
- Angkor Wat - we have never been here but it was recommended to us