I've ridden back here a few times. Definitely a double-edged sword.
On one hand, there are a few paths which last for a while, and it's almost impossible to get lost here. There are some cool steep downhill spots, though they are very short and one will launch you into a swamp if you are going too quick. It's easy to get to, and at one point you can cross Berkshire Valley road and pick up another trail (after at least 1/2 mile of walking up this steep monstrosity of a hill I gave up the climb) - not sure where it takes you.
On the other hand, the trails that are being focused on all spiderweb into one another somehow. After a couple hours I was starting to get bored, since the overall trail length is not very long for any one run, and no matter what I always seemed to end up joining a previously ridden trail. The "hub" of this trail system is a sand pit with a burnt up VW Bug in the middle. The sand is junk to ride through, and there are trails branching from here that are literally 500 feet long before they loop back to the center.
It was alright fun, but I don't think there was enough to entice me to want to work on building the trails up.