Medical: Bursitis


Well-Known Member
Been dealing with prepatellar bursitis for quite some time now. I stupidly didn’t rest it for days back when it would reabsorb on its own, so now it’s just constantly one big blob. I had it drained once and it came back next day. This means that the only other resort is surgery, however there is one bit of definitive information that is missing: will a new bursa grow back once the damaged one is removed? Ortho was unable to answer this, and considering how important the bursa is to anyone active, I’d like to hear if anyone has experience with this. Thanks.
Following. Threw a ball for dog in January. Some kind of pain popped up. Saw Dr and said bursitis. Got shot, helped but didn't resolve. MRI couple days ago. Discussing results next week. Finger's crossed.
Good luck to both of you.

the general internet search says yes - hopefully someone has some first hand experience?????
I can function fine and it has improved with time. Just did the MRI to get a better picture of what's going on and what to expect down the road. My back on the other hand, permanently fcked. Powering through daily.
I bought a shock doctor cold therapy compression sleeve and while I can’t use it out of the freezer as it shrinks too much, it is helping. I switch between it and the ace bandage depending on what I am doing. I think it’s re-absorbed maybe 50% of it’s liquid over the past two weeks. And that’s with oppressive heat and humidity which usually encourages swelling/inflammation. To be honest, if this happens to re-absorb 100%, I will be fine with switching to a thinner knee compression sleeve and wearing that for months and completely avoiding kneeling on it. Anything to avoid the S word.
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