Mahlon 7/4 9:30am, Ride!

Heythorp - go buy a bike already!

Laura - This ride won't be as technical as today's and there are a couple of bail out points. Not that I'm trying to encourage you to test those ribs again. 😉
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Awesome 15 Mile ride today guys! I'll post the GPS data later.
damn, i knew i should have logged on instead of drinking those last few beers.
ytc100 said:
Any chance of getting one of these for our ride??


I just built a new system so I have to still install google earth again. But I'll get the data posted as soon as I can.
Here is our track from the ride. I put in blue the part of the trail I was talking about that goes to the overlook. I was right, we totally bypassed that section fo the trail. I am used to going straight down to the road and crossing by the camping / ball fields.
scott, what was the final milage yesterday?? btw, i'm pretty sure i'm going to convert the 970 to single speed...
bonefishjake said:
scott, what was the final milage yesterday?? btw, i'm pretty sure i'm going to convert the 970 to single speed...

I had around 11.8 but I made a couple of parking lot rounds plus went back and forth a few times while Steve fixed his flat.

Now you're getting me to think about converting my hardtail to single speed again, I think I just like my knees too much to actually go through with it. 🙂
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