Lost Garmin 830 from FB MTB Group

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Well-Known Member
Not mine and I don’t know the person who posted this in FB but figured to try and help out. See screen shot.

Why can't we track these things through the app on our phone?

You can get it's last known location (what the post was alluding to). Being able to find it's location would require it being turned on, which is an issue if the device broke or the battery died.
You can get it's last known location (what the post was alluding to). Being able to find it's location would require it being turned on, which is an issue if the device broke or the battery died.
Honestly, I didn't even look at the post. I just feel like I see posts from lost devices a lot so I didn't realize this was an option. Good to know for when I lose mine
Why can't we track these things through the app on our phone?
good question. the support for this is limited at best, and OP of the FB post seems to have tried to use the Last Known location .

Good thing I can find my garmin watch when its connected to Bluetooth.🤦🏻‍♂️
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