Looking for Volunteers for long term trail work / maintenance.


Shop: Halter's Cycles
Shop Keep
I noted that a park that a visited recently had divided up their trail system in a way in which a certain person was basically accountable for a certain section or portion of trail.

I was considering trying this out at 6mr.

This might look something like this for example:

One person, or a group of people would take on part or an entire length of trail

They would take personal pride and ownership of the upkeep of that section.

Keep it free of trash

Cut back overgrowth, and perhaps run mini trail days on your assigned or chosen section.

Keep the Jorba rep (Me) informed on issues bigger than they might handel on their own. (for example.. A fallen tree or a problem mud hole)

Make updates on Trailforks about the current conditions of the trail. Like this for example.

Does anyone want to take on a long term ownership of a section?

To me this would mean a year round commitment, likely for someone who is out there anyways on a routine basis.

Let me know your thoughts on this.

TM experience isn't really that important. I'm primarily looking for eyes on the ground and long term support. I can provide tools as well.

This is a great idea
Like to see something like this in our area if it's breaking up sections of the park.

With the size of parks in mooch I always felt like 2 chapter leads would work better for North, 1 for Tranquility side and 1 for waterloo side. Deer Park is in dire need of its own lead as is Stephens should also probably have a dual lead.

Then add your idea of dedicating sections or trails to individual or groups is one way of keeping parks trail in pristine conditions.
This is a great idea
Like to see something like this in our area if it's breaking up sections of the park.

With the size of parks in mooch I always felt like 2 chapter leads would work better for North, 1 for Tranquility side and 1 for waterloo side. Deer Park is in dire need of its own lead as is Stephens should also probably have a dual lead.

Then add your idea of dedicating sections or trails to individual or groups is one way of keeping parks trail in pristine conditions.
The park lead can remain the same. By designating oversight of a section to unique individual, they can take ownership in it in a way that’s impactful
I'm interested, how would you divide up the sections?
Hey Cole, in this case, you were the first person to say that you’re interested… So you could have first choice of what section you want to take ownership of.

Depending on the number of people who are interested, the division of trails maybe by miles or total length of sections.

But since you’re the first person to respond, so far you’re in charge of the whole park
Hey Cole, in this case, you were the first person to say that you’re interested… So you could have first choice of what section you want to take ownership of.

Depending on the number of people who are interested, the division of trails maybe by miles or total length of sections.

But since you’re the first person to respond, so far you’re in charge of the whole park
Haha, thats why I asked, I was trying to recruit a group to help me, most are scared of the year long commitment. But I will take a section, let me know what you need.


@Patrick: Bridges / Boardwalks​

@ekuhn: Special Projects / Backup​

@dvaidya Labor with Guidance​

A (unless someone else steps up) @Cole


C@Steve Vai






I @jdog


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Give me “J”. It’s the shortest section but probably has the most first timers / opportunity hikers because of the proximity to the soccer fields. It’s also the very first section of trail I ever attempted as mid forties nube. Made it about a hundred feet before snapping the seat off the bike. 😳
Survey crew sent to establish the g-h border. Will be highly contested. 😉

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