lightening the load


Well-Known Member
no, not losing weight although I should.
after throwing away and giving away as much as I could, now time to sell.
Just posted 5 bikes here and other stuff on FB.
I also jus thought or several more things I need to give away or sell.

I need a beer!

kinda kidding but it does not feel as bad as I thought it would.
I guess it was time to simplify my life.
Good stuff. I'm going through drawers now in........anticipation of moving in 5 or so years. All those pipe fittings, nuts, bolts, every piece of sand paper.
And paint! Mostly dried out. Garage is coming up too.

Now to let the the 1970s stereo go and the 1990s one too.

Lots of free stuff at the end of the driveway.

Peace 🙏🏼
Phew, down to 3 bikes. Fuel EX, steel gravel, and a Klein I want to be buried with!
There is literally nothing left in the house we don't need (or want, one does not need 2 stereos :^)
Good job, slimming down to 3 bikes and two stereos would be very hard for me. I've always thought 10 bikes and 4 stereos are the best I could handle. Though my Klein Rascal wouldn't make the top 10.
Violating my no drinking alone rule for the last dinner at this house.
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