Lewis Morris Time Trial - 12/1

yeah, that's a 69er. business up front, party in the rear. or so the marketing goes.
If that had a 29 rear it would be in my house right now.In it's current format it's just stupid.........................

Hardtale have you ridden one yet or is it the looks you can't get over? Please elaborate why its stupid because I might just make my Bianchi a 69er unless you can tell me all the reasons why its stupid. Thanks for your help.
Waz, you're gonna have to try it for yourself. what works for brett (or me, or walter) may not work for you. like i said, you're welcome to the front wheel of the mary if need be.
Oh yeah, for sure Jake...I was just wondering if you or Brett (i guess that's hardtale) or walter have tried on on the trail is all. Hell I could use all the real trail time input I can get. It's actually not an easy decision! Don't be surprised if I take Mary's wheel for a spin bro.....Wazulio
Hardtale have you ridden one yet or is it the looks you can't get over? Please elaborate why its stupid because I might just make my Bianchi a 69er unless you can tell me all the reasons why its stupid. Thanks for your help.

Sadly everyone but i got to ride it at LM.Being lowman i had to cover the shifts.They describe it as sweet to the BB then you took a jarring.You have to understand that Gary Fisher and Trek are the same so this bike is just a hedge bet.GF has the lead in "big brand" 29 and Trek has kinda trademarked the "69" term and given last life to the end of T browns career.This bike i feel is just there for market proliferation and is useless in any real life sense....
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