Lewis Morris Time Trial - 12/1

Boy,this has been a topic of much dream-weaving for me in recent years.

Western NC looks like paradise to me. The weather is more temperate w/o being Florida-hot, beautiful mountains all around.

We have 10 years left on our mortgage, on a house purchased in 1993. We could double our money at this point, and likely buy a house with cash in NC.

Let me see: No mortgage for the rest of my life, way less property tax, better weather, better riding...why the hell am I still in NJ, anyway?!?:hmmm:
Boy,this has been a topic of much dream-weaving for me in recent years.

Western NC looks like paradise to me. The weather is more temperate w/o being Florida-hot, beautiful mountains all around.

We have 10 years left on our mortgage, on a house purchased in 1993. We could double our money at this point, and likely buy a house with cash in NC.

Let me see: No mortgage for the rest of my life, way less property tax, better weather, better riding...why the hell am I still in NJ, anyway?!?:hmmm:

I hear ya. I've been down to Pisgah twice and it's sweeter and sweeter each time I go. I've got a buddy that climbs in Boone and he loves that area. The Asheville area just seems like a sweet spot to be. Move there and keep a room open for me in the basement 😀

So far I've found very few places I'd move. The western NC is one, Colorado is a HUGE one, and now Washington or even Idaho. The northwest is amazing - I finally got out there last summer.

Jersey is not aweful, I just don't like the proximity to the city. I don't really use it - except when I'm dragged in. I think there are other areas that are nicer and would be more friendly to my activities. Although truthfully, the available activities in this area seem to be growing more and more making it harder to leave...
The cost of living down there will likely make you rich. I'm not sure of housing prices where you are now but even in places like Atlanta you can get a great house for likely 2/3 of the cost of your NJ home...

It's worth noting the statistics showing people who move for economic reasons are CRAZY -- something like 90% move back to the state they left within 3 years. I've known around 4 people that have moved to Florida or somewhere else with a favorable cost of living compared to around here and most moved back. Some good reasons, some unexplained, but these aren't dumb people that just picked up and went. They had plans and it just doesn't work out.
A friend of ours moved to Florida. Now he wants to move back but he's stuck because the housing market dropped out from under him.

We have other friends who moved to DC, then San Fran, then back to Williamsburg, now back to San Fran. Seems like every time they just the fence the sun comes out where they just were.

Happiness is within...unnnnnnless of course you participate in this weekend's LM TT, in which case only the winner will truly find inner peace. True story.
I've moved away from Jersey once and came back. I lived just outside of Portland, OR for about a year. Yes, the northwest is gorgeous, if you can hack the constant, steady rain/mist.

A few of my teammates/friends already live in Asheville. I've been down there a few times and I like it more and more every time I go. Everything Chris said is true; great weather, great road biking AND mountainbiking, cost of living and housing is much cheaper, etc... However, I truly believe that everywhere you go has pros and cons, it's all a matter of opinion really. I love Jersey, I love the ocean, but I've done it my whole life thus far and it's time for a change. Time for something that suits my lifestyle more, and that's the outdoors.

So yes, anyone who wants to come for a visit just drop me a line. I'll still keep my screen name available on here and maybe I'll throw my two cents in on some discussions every once in a while on here, if noone minds? lol 😀

Thanks to everyone for your kind words and sorry to Norm for derailing his thread. lol 😉
This sounds interesting, I'm in if I can make it.

I'm definitely not in race shape though so I may be kinda slow. 😕 We'll have to see how the body responds to a few weeks of drinking and eating. lol :drooling:

On a side note, I am moving to Asheville, NC on Sunday. To those I have met, and haven't met for that matter, I wish you well. Keep NJ mountainbiking alive and kicking butt! I will be back in the summer, hopefully, to do a few of my favorite races so I hope I see some of you again.. Good luck and take care!!

*tears* bon voyage! Ill take you up on the offer one day. GL w/ the move
Hey Norm, bring one of those tee shirts. Work will wait until the afternoon.

Cool, will do. Could have a solid bunch of riders if a few "maybes" show.

I'll bring a bunch of t-shirts for anyone else who needs one. I know GlancingAft never got his yet either.
Yay I just checked the weather and it's going to be 29 tomorrow morning at 9am. And it'll feel like it's 18! Sweet!!!
As it looks I'll probably be there at 8 race and be out by noon at the latest to go ride at Ringwood. At least in the afternoon it's supposed to be warmer than freezing...
Hey that's like 8 degrees warmer than last week!

I think I'm going with 2 laps of the yellow loop as the course. It's not "dead sexy" like Fat Bastard but it's easy to follow and means I don't need to put tomatoes, carrots, or cornstarch all over the place. Figure fastest times will be under an hour for that.

I may explore what it will take to get these things approved by the park so we can use arrows in the parks. Probably $$$$$$$$$$$.
Awesome, now we're cooking. Now we need MarcLewis to show up and try to defend his crown from last week. 🙂
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