Is this seat taken?


Well-Known Member
Hello all.
Finally decided to join and see what all the mtbnj hype's about. (Actually, Norm forced me here against my will, but I'm determined to make the best of it.😱)
I ride Chimney Rock most, since it's 5 minutes from my house. I also dig Round Valley, Lewis Morris, Allamuchy, Mahlon, Sourlands... I'm relatively new to the NJ biking scene - recently moved down from MA. Looking forward to getting to know all the trails and people better.
My first order of business here at mtbnj will be to enlist your help in figuring out what my next bike should be. More on that soon - in a different forum.
See y'all in the woods...
aka Scott
Glad to see you joined this mess Woody, welcome.
Hey man, good to see you finally showed up! Now of course look out for Jake.
Hey there,
Thanks for helping me out of the woods at CR last week. I won't be riding anytime soon since I still can't move my hand, but welcome to the site.
Hi Woody ~ glad Norm finally talked you into joining 🙂
Good riding with you last week. Hope you join us again.
Hey there,
Thanks for helping me out of the woods at CR last week. I won't be riding anytime soon since I still can't move my hand, but welcome to the site.

No prob. Sorry to hear that the hand is still out of commission - Did you go to the doc? Broken? Sprained? Dislocated? Let's have the gorey details. I hope it heals up in a hurry!
Hi Woody ~ glad Norm finally talked you into joining 🙂
Good riding with you last week. Hope you join us again.

I wouldn't say Norm TALKed me into joining. It was more of a hold-his-breath kicking, screaming, whining ordeal. And some incoherent ranting about referrals.
Thanks to all three of you for letting me join you on last week's ride...and then for waiting while I changed my flat tire - twice.
I wouldn't say Norm TALKed me into joining. It was more of a hold-his-breath kicking, screaming, whining ordeal. And some incoherent ranting about referrals.
Thanks to all three of you for letting me join you on last week's ride...and then for waiting while I changed my flat tire - twice.

Hey monkey boy, it's called a "threat".

I went UST this weekend. I have nothing else to say about that right now. Well I did go down some insanely fast descents yesterday where I never once thought, "You know, I hope this thing doesn't burp air right now."
Did you go to the doc? Broken? Sprained? Dislocated? Let's have the gorey details. I hope it heals up in a hurry!

spent hours at the doc (with three kids in tow, which was torture itself), luckily it's not broken. it's black, swollen and immobile, it looks like Munsons hand in King Pin. my knuckle is still twice the size it should be but i'm starting to gain some movement. still hurts like hell but I'll probably try to ride this weekend if i can grip the brake by then, 12 days without riding - ugh! Thanks again for your help.
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