Home exterminator


Well-Known Member
I got these red and black ants everywhere recently. Amdro baits usually do the trick for the typical black and carpenter ants. When it gets bad, I'll also use Terro gels. First time I'm seeing this variety in the house, are they formica sanguinea? There's lots of them and I think they have a colony somewhere. Most appear to be in one of the bedrooms and checking around but no obvious entry points. Is it time for a pro?
My parents used a mix of sugar and borax I think. The idea was they would carry it back to the nest and kill it off from the inside. Seemed to work well as I dlnt remember many ants around. Keep away from kids and pets
I paid Bowco outta Woodbridge to do a perimeter spray. We had a bunch of red mites, box elders, patio ants, and stuff. Gone the next day. Well worth it for the once a year cost.
I agree worst year ever for ants, although I've been battling them for years. I had pavement ants and carpenter ants in the covered deck. Saw quite a few carpenter ants inside the house during remodeling. It's a constant war for me with traps, bait, spray. What I was doing just wasn't working, or not working for long.

I called Viking, bought a plan, and they sprayed the perimeter of house, shed, deck, and inside the deck. Also, put bait around perimeter. Said wait 10 days. Waited three weeks and was still seeing pavement ants streaming up the deck wall and was still seeing carpenter ants around the perimeter. Also, big swarm of pavement ants in shed. So, called them back, they came out and sprayed again no charge. This time, it seems to have worked, so far.

I have the yearly plan, so they will be out again. Worth it, especially for the carpenter ants.
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