Has the price of specialty beers gotten out of control? And Mondavi can SAD

I've spent the pandemic sampling what I could get my hands on, and I've had some tasty brews. But most of these beers were all lacking something, and left me thinking these are for mass consumption at the tap, not refined for package goods to take home and store for a few weeks. I'll certainly be changing up my purchasing.
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Willingness to pay.
Supply vs Demand
strip club prices

i think that covers from economics class to urban lingo....
Equilibrium at Bottle Republic is $28.99. Why?
What has been said, and plus EQ is jacking their prices to bottleshops.
The prices you are seeing are the shops adding maybe 10-20%, the rest is EQ.
Not sure how that’s gonna work long term.
Lots of pricey cans sitting unrefrigerated on shelves.
Was at the local bottleshop today-
Funny to see Singlecut looking reasonable at $20 next to $25-$30 EQ.
IIRC, they introduced the $25/4 shelfie, but dialed it back after a bit.

Was pleasantly surprised to see the Brix offerings I had just snagged at the brewery on the shelf at brewery pricing.
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