Group Ride Hartshorne 12/8 Sunday


Well-Known Member
Team MTBNJ Halter's
Come join us for the last MTBNJ group ride of 2024, this Sunday, 9am at Hartshorne Woods Park.

These trails offer great flow with fun downhills that are worth the effort to climb. As usual we will break up into smaller groups to accommodate different fitness levels and riding ability. This is a great way to meet new people and ride some fun trails.
Please post up if you can lead a ride, help is always appreciated.
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Btw, facebook event is showing a map location for some Hartshorne in Illinois. 🤓
i don't know why it does that... i "told" FB to use "just Hartshorne"... instead of a specific Hartshorne on a map, but FB likes to fill in the blanks anyway... i'll try to fix it
So my plans changed for the better and seems like I could actually make this ride Sunday. Just never been to this trail before.

Haven’t been on the MTB in a few months but the fitness from road/gravel is still good. Based on the video above (nice work @smann !) aside from the skinnies which I don’t do, this looks manageable and flowy for my advanced beginner skills?
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