Girly gym thoughts

NJ Jess

Active Member
Samuel adams winter lager

rocknrollgirl said:
I do those same lower back exercises on a swiss ball, they work great.

Now...about that beer.....

Yup, that's what I'm having right now. Yes, I work Saturday too. Therefore, I only have Sundays to do all my housework, laundry, food shopping, TM, bike ridding,ete etc etc. Needless to say, beer is my dessert and "pat on the head" for doing so well this week. ( Besides, it's the off- season!) Time for other things.......going to pick up my skis on Sunday,....Snow! Snow! Snow, darn it! hee hee hee


Strong like bull, smart like tractor
Team MTBNJ Halter's
NJ Jess said:
I do not believe it is a Roman Chair "really." Roman chair is similiar, but it is much lower and is used for situps while holding wt plates on your chest. The hyperextension "machine" is simply an apparratus to lock in your feet and still hold you upper body 90 degrees to your legs.

you're absolutely right. it's not really a roman chair. i've been wrong about that for a long time.
Jumping in here very, very late, but...

I will post this link in the Training and Nutrition forum also, but I have found a fantastic website that focuses on weight training for women, with lots of great information on form and what the exercise is really doing for your body. It helped my deads trememdously and helped me pinpoint some of the things I was doing wrong with my squats.

check it out:

Krista, the woman who runs the site, is pretty funny and matter of fact at the same time. Though she tends to focus personally on body building and power lifting, she offers advice on exercises for women interested in all sports and activities.

NJ Jess

Active Member
Awesome and funny website!

thanks Jersey Girl! the website is informative and "yes" she writes with lots of humor.
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