Garmin Varia RTL515

I want to try out the Garmin Varia RTL515, anyone might have one for sale. New or used in good condition?

I don’t have one for sale but I can tell you that specific model is the right combo at the right price and you don’t need the camera one.

I got mine about 3 years ago and I don’t know how I did 10 years of road rides without it. Also think they are on sale now since newer versions are coming out soon so shop
It around.
Thank you everyone, yeah I think I just need to get a new one and call it a day. Went out with a friend the other day, syncked my Wahoo to it. Im now a beliver LOL
I also have the camera version and feel naked without it. Some riders have shrugged and told me it's a waste of money, but for me and my fear of getting hit from behind, it was worth it. The radar and the visual on the head unit is pretty cool when it alerts ya. One thing I have noticed, if the wind noise is too loud, I can miss the alert. I've taken to wearing an 'outside the ear' earbud to let me hear it better.
I picked up Varia RTL515 after reading these posts. It's pretty awesome. I like when a product works exactly as advertised. I'm using it with my Garmin 830 and seems that the alerts are pretty loud. Loud enough to hear when going down a steep road at over 30 mph. I love not having to constantly look over my shoulder to see if a car is behind. It lets me ride a little further away from edge of the road and when I hear an alert I tuck in a bit to let the car pass me safer. This is the version without camera and battery life appears good. I did two rides totaling about 11 hours and it still didn't give a low battery life warning. It looks like they're still on sale for $150. The only thing I don't truly like is the seatpost mount. Mine is D shaped and the included mount fits but it's two rubber bands that secure it to the post and the mount shifts a bit to left or right each time I install the radar. My other bike has a round post and there are plenty of aftermarket mounts that secure with a screw and those won't move.
I picked up Varia RTL515 after reading these posts. It's pretty awesome. I like when a product works exactly as advertised. I'm using it with my Garmin 830 and seems that the alerts are pretty loud. Loud enough to hear when going down a steep road at over 30 mph. I love not having to constantly look over my shoulder to see if a car is behind. It lets me ride a little further away from edge of the road and when I hear an alert I tuck in a bit to let the car pass me safer. This is the version without camera and battery life appears good. I did two rides totaling about 11 hours and it still didn't give a low battery life warning. It looks like they're still on sale for $150. The only thing I don't truly like is the seatpost mount. Mine is D shaped and the included mount fits but it's two rubber bands that secure it to the post and the mount shifts a bit to left or right each time I install the radar. My other bike has a round post and there are plenty of aftermarket mounts that secure with a screw and those won't move.
Agree the OEM seat post mounts are not great but the device works incredible. To me for the money the 515 is the best option.

I’ve got one of these mounts on my gravel bike and for the costs the product is really well made. Comes with extensions to get it further out from my saddle bag too.

Check your saddle if it has mounting points for the screws or not. Otherwise you can mount to the saddle rail.
I also have mine mounted to the saddles I have mounts thay clamp to the back of the saddle rails. This onviously wouldn't work if you run a saddle bag but it works great of you have the space
Like others, I didn't think I needed one until I had one. Now feel naked without it. One thing to add for those who just got one: don't trust it fully. There are times when you won't get a car alert or receive a false "all clear" alert. This seems to typically happen when a car is moving about the same speed as you for a period of time. I still won't ride without it, but don't lose the habit of checking behind you before moving into a lane.
This company also has a pretty wide range of mounts for different seatpost types:

I have a wedge seat post on my SuperSix Evo X and I've been using the rubber band mount, but I like these more permanent options.

And I'd agree, I do look for it when I don't have it. My favorite part is that it turns on and off with my Garmin.
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