Free shed(s)


Well-Known Member
4’x6’ x 60” high, four available. Located in Belleville.

They are assembled, so transportation is going to be tricky.

Might be interested in one.

Do you have the specs or model to see how it comes apart ? Assume it just sits on the ground and needs a gravel base or deck of some kind ?
Might be interested in one.

Do you have the specs or model to see how it comes apart ? Assume it just sits on the ground and needs a gravel base or deck of some kind ?

Brand is patiowell, but not from Depot or Lowe's. Apparently they were ordered online. I don't have any more details at the moment
if you just need to make them disappear, let me know.
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Brand is patiowell, but not from Depot or Lowe's. Apparently they were ordered online. I don't have any more details at the moment
thanks i did some google searching and did some measurements for what I need it for, 4 x 6 is probably on the small side and If I am going to put in the effort and make a base for it, probably resin/plastic material is better.

Thanks for checking.
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