FOUND: first pedal bike for a 4.5 yr old (16" wheels? idk)

the schwartz

Well-Known Member
Looking for a bike for my son and figured i could do worse than posting here to see what others' kids have outgrown. he's a pro on his balance bike with a hand brake and tube tires, and frankly he could just keep riding that but i'm excited to also let him try pedaling sometime soon.

so.. my wish list:
12" - 16" wheels
brake levers
freewheel hub
half decent, weightwise

let me know if you have something you want to pass along, maybe free or just affordable, especially if it's a nice bike. thanks!
Totally unsolicited advice, but WOOM makes great bikes for kids. Real parts. Our 5 year old is riding a size 3, 3 year old is riding a size 2.
Also great are Cleary bikes, which are sold by Pedal Montclair.
cool. definitely know about Cleary, and Pedal Montclair is a great shop - we sized him on a Cleary there last year actually, mostly just for fun. i think they're upwards of $300 though and that's unfortunately not in the cards right now. appreciate it!
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