Foot/ankle specialist?

Dave Taylor

Rex kwan Do
I’m looking for a good dr as I am having some foot/ankle issues. Bursitis in my ankle and some arthritis/tendonitis in my foot. I’ve had shots, steroid packs, nsaids, a brace etc. looking for someone that knows what they are doing. TIA.
Change your shoes, I had all kinds of issues with my feet and knees. I assumed I needed shoes with lots of cushion. The problem was the cushions, I was subconsciously slamming my feet into the ground because my body thought it was walking through mud. The heavy foot falls were to push through the mud for traction. I now use zero rise shoes with very thin soles. The human foot is an amazing design yet modern people insist in sticking them in hot heavy stiff boxes. When you go to zero rise flat shoes, your feet suddenly can feel the ground and are allowed function like feet and not like blocks at the end of your legs. You will of course have to get your feet into condition, the muscles, tendons and bones have been locked in a box for years. It took me months to get my feet into condition but now I walk 3-5 miles 3 times a week. May I suggest you read Born To Run, it’s a great read and was my first exposure to zero rise shoes.

The first thing any doctor is going to ask is: did you rest for a few weeks entirely?

You may already be past this step, but figured I’d go with that as we all sometimes skip the obvious answer.
Being in blue collar life are you a work boot daily driver? If so lose the heal. Look for flat soles work shoes. Heal boots killed me. I now have issues of foot cramping and spotting numbness as I've gotten older.

“Modern “ shoes destroyed my right knee. I ran three marathons in race flats in the early 80’s. Then Nike convinced me I needed high heels to run and walk. The knee and foot pain came soon after and I blamed age. More cushion and more pain, then more cushion and more pain. Got so I was buying new shoes every 6 months….. then I read Born to Run and everything clicked. Took me almost a year to get so I could walk more than a mile without pain. Heeled shoes just plain stupid.

“Modern “ shoes destroyed my right knee. I ran three marathons in race flats in the early 80’s. Then Nike convinced me I needed high heels to run and walk. The knee and foot pain came soon after and I blamed age. More cushion and more pain, then more cushion and more pain. Got so I was buying new shoes every 6 months….. then I read Born to Run and everything clicked. Took me almost a year to get so I could walk more than a mile without pain. Heeled shoes just plain stupid.
I’ll get this. I switched to Iron worker boots(flat foot) on friday and it really helped. I went snowboarding yesterday and it feels good today. I’ve always work expensive redwings with the clear runner(low heel) and they were good on concrete for 20 years. Sometimes things change I guess. I have some tendon issues from walking funny. Weird but it doesn’t hurt to run.
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