Eagle Scout Project - Trash Cleanup on White


Well-Known Member
If you’ve ever ridden the white trail, you’ve seen the pile of trash (tires, refrigerators, mattress, stoves, etc) along the side. While hiking with his mother, Boy Scout Zion Montes was very moved by this blight and wanted to do something to make a difference. For his Eagle Scout project, he’s chosen to coordinate a weekend of trash removal. On Saturday 11/30 and Sunday 12/1 from 8a to 3p (second day is only if needed) Zion and a group of volunteers will start at the farmhouse next to the Middlebush crossing, hike in, and carry trash out to a dumpster that has been donated.

He’d love to have any additional volunteers. You don’t have to be there at the start or for the whole day. Drop in a lend a hand 🙂 There will be sign in sheet at the parking lot. Snacks and lunch will be provided.

Here’s the location of the parking location (40.4678889, -74.5456389) Google Maps

If you can’t attend but would like to donate to the effort, Zion has a GoFundMe setup.

Zion has created a work plan and advice on how to dress and what you should bring.

Looking forward to seeing some mtb’ers out there! 🚵‍♂️😎

In case you are using your phone and cannot scan the QR code with all the details, here is the link. Thank you for your support! Hope to see you there. Zion Montes

Bump...reminder if anyone wants to volunteer you can show up anytime this Saturday and stay as long or short as you want. There's also a donation link above.
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If anyone has a battery angle grinder or Sawzall the project could use them tomorrow.

They'd love to have any extra carts or metal cutters.

Farmhouse off Middlebush (near the road crossing).
Thanks to anyone that helped out. Zion had 24 total people for almost 100 hours over 2 days. 3 20CY dumpster were filled, including about 50 tires. Many of the tires were on rims.

What an amazing job Zion and team! Thanks from all the park users😁



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