Don't just sit there!

Laura T

New Member
Don’t just sit there!

In about the time it takes for you to throw your bike on the car to go to a ride, you can email a very important message to your New Jersey Senator regarding the pending bill that would make it illegal for all bike shops in NJ to sell bikes with quick-release wheels! Stop and think about your local bike shop. Would you really like to see it driven out of business because of this absolutely senseless pending legislation? Do you really want to drive to NY or PA the next time your bottom-bracket needs an overhaul, because your local bike shop is no longer in business?
No? Then do something! In about 5 minutes or less, you can email your Senator your thoughts about this pending bill. Here’s how:

Step 1: Find the name of your municipality here:
Click once on the name of your town. This click will direct you to the appropriate District Number.
Step 2: Click on the District Number for your municipality.
Step 3: Click once on your Senator’s name. That will take you to your Senator’s main info page.
Step 4: Click on the Contact Your Legislator(s) link found on your Senator’s info page.
Step 5: Click on the “Select Your Representative(s)” button.
Step 6: Fill out the form, and COPY and PASTE the letter below (scroll down to see the whole letter) into the blank “Message” field. (Improvise letter as you feel appropriate.)
Step 7: Click on the “Submit Email” button on the bottom of the page.

That’s it! Now you can enjoy cycling with a good conscience!


Dear Senator:

As a cycling enthusiast living in New Jersey, I urge you to reject New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2837.

New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2837, presently in front of the Senate Commerce Committee, would make it illegal to sell any bicycle -including full-sized adult bicycles - with quick release wheels. This bill was originally drafted to target children’s bicycles; however, under a revision made last Fall, it now includes all bicycles. Thus, this bill is inaccurately being promoted as affecting only children's bicycles. If this bill is passed, it will have an immediate, significant, and adverse impact on both New Jersey residents who enjoy cycling as part of a healthy lifestyle, but also on New Jersey Bicycle Dealers and retailers who provide an important service to New Jersey residents. Simply put, the passing of this bill would devastate the retail bicycle industry in New Jersey.

The quick-release system used on bicycles today has been in use for over 50 years. Many bikes with quick-release wheels also come with redundant retention, and a properly used quick-release wheel is safer than a bicycle with a bolted axle.

Because none of the bicycles currently available on the market could meet the standard in Senate Bill 2837, it would IMMEDIATELY shut down the bicycle retail business in New Jersey. S-2837 requires a quick-release retention system on adult bikes that works automatically and always retains the wheel. No bicycle available in the market meets this impossible standard. Thus, this bill would make it illegal to sell bicycles in New Jersey, and every bicycle dealer in New Jersey would lose important revenue from bike sales, and be forced to close its doors.

Senate Bill No. 2837 is ill advised because:

 It is not directed only at Children's bikes; it affects the sale of all bicycles
 It will shut down the New Jersey Bicycle business;
 It will force NJ residents to purchase new bicycles from dealers located in New York, Pennsylvania, or Maryland.
 It will be pre-empted by Federal Law that already regulates bicycles quick releases.

I urge you to reject S-2837 should this bill come before you for a vote.

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