Do Bones Freeze?


Mayor McCheese
Team MTBNJ Halter's
Jesus christ I'm still cold from today's ride. I think it was the coldest I've ever ridden in (22 when I left the house). It's 8 hours later and I think I'm still cold. And I have a headache. And my left knee is swollen because I tried to learn how to do a clean drop from a 2 foot rock (terminology subject to being wildly inaccurate). Yeah I missed it.

Back to the Wolavers but went with the Brown Ale tonight. First impression is that it's a good light-bodied beer. Not too big, which I'm actually looking for these days. These big beers are hitting me too hard lately.

Tomorrow into the dungeon.
Softball, shmoftball. I'm just trying to generate some actual riding conversation.
normZurawski said:
Softball, shmoftball. I'm just trying to generate some actual riding conversation.

you don't really expect me to believe that one, do you? 😀
Norm, next time try riding sober 😉

Riding in the cold is very hard, but stick to it and you'll get used to it. I really enjoy riding in sub-freezing temperatures because trail become very fast. Yes it means the fall is harder but usually those extra layers come in handy. It's usually not a good time to try new moves though, the big gloves and slower reaction times are _very_ treacherous.

Bones (like aluminum) don't freeze, but they become brittle. Watch out! 😀

IPA for me these days BTW. Sweet bitterness is good.

Hmmm, perhaps the Wolavers did lend a hand in me falling off my bike. Ok so no alcohol in the bottle next week. But I'm going to land that drop, dammit, cold or no cold.
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