de Quervain syndrome


- (pain in the forearm just above the wrist) is an inflammation or a tendinosis of the sheath or tunnel that surrounds two tendons that control movement of the thumb.

Rewind to about a month ago when this all began. So I began experiencing some pain in my forearm after riding stokes one weekend. Earlier that day i was hammering stakes into the ground which may have contributed to the injury. Anyway, after ignoring it and passing it off as a pulled or strained muscle it began to get much worse. In fact my forearm began to make creaking noises. It took two and a half weeks to heal. Within days after my recovery, I wrapped up my wrist and was racing and riding again. I have competed a few times since the injury healed without complication. HOWEVER, after Tymor it has reared it ugly head again.

I know of one other racer with this injury. Has anyone else had any experience with this?
yeah,..i must say it's very painfull and anoying.i know how it fell
cuz i have same problem like yours it was last year, it's on my left arm(wrist)
it heal now, cuz i give it rest for about two month.
i think u should give yourself a break and ur arm too.let it heal by resting n massaging also nutrition.(btw i didn't go see the docs)peace,...bro!
thanks for the info. ice, rest, and immobilization is on the menu for me this week and I think I am going to stimulate the economy by purchasing some suspension. That might help. BTW what is a 9433?
that sucks dave. i would definitely blame hammering stakes for the injury. what grips are you running? you might be able to get away without adding suspension if you throw some esi or ergon grips on there.
thanks for the info. ice, rest, and immobilization is on the menu for me this week and I think I am going to stimulate the economy by purchasing some suspension. That might help. BTW what is a 9433?
it's my "secret code#"🙂🙂
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