Cold computers


Well-Known Member
Is it ok to leave the bike computer on my bike, out in a cold garage for days at a time? Will it mess it up at all?
mine usually stays in my car. infact i dont think its ever been in my house. lol. the only "problem" i ever had was that it would advance slower from screen to screen in the cold. otherwise no issues.
It can vary from model to model. I did have a computer that would stop working below a certain temp. The sensor may have a moving part in it. The magnet moves it each time it gets close. In my case, I assume that the parts contracted in the cold and no longer moved. Therefore I'd get no speed, etc.

The display can take a little longer to change but that should effect anything.
Cold weather can affect the lifetime of the batteries in the computer, just as it affects the batteries in anything else. The cold temperature slows the chemical reaction, but warming the batteries up brings them back to regular capacity.
Is it ok to leave the bike computer on my bike, out in a cold garage for days at a time? Will it mess it up at all?

And futhermore I bring all my bikes inside! My Bedroom alone has 2 mountain bikes and 2 cyclocross bikes hanging on the wall! Our TV room has my road bike on the trainer and Tommy's cyclocross bike leaning against the wall. I think I need a life or another room

RC ... :(
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