Chimney Rock lunch rides

I'm surprised no one showed up 😉 Oh well, I'm riding tomorrow again, hopefully it remains cold.

The tube of my camelback froze solid maybe 15 minutes into the ride. I did get to hit the jumps I spotted. Not bad, can't carry much momentum into them though. There were some tracks into it, so someone else hit it. That and the log ride, but apparently whoever rode it messed it a bit. I had surprisingly good traction and managed to keep the rubber down.

Badly chapped lips is what I got now though...


Rode there yesterday & it was 17 degrees when we started & 18 when we finished. What a great ride we had. Trails had about an inch of snow on them & believe it or not none of us were even cold. Today was a little colder & I probably would have wussed out if I had riding plans.
On the blue side, coming from the top on the trail that ends up parallel to the road. There is an area with big boulders, a 4 ft jump (don't think you can roll that one...) and a couple 3ft. There potential for more air in that general area but the landing areas don't look too smooth.

The log ride in the middle trail also involves jumping off of it since it doesn't go anywhere.

I'm sure there's more stuff. The old quarry (white?) is nice but it usually doesn't flow well in my work-outs.

Interesting. I'll have to pay attention next time so I can at least understand what I'm not able to do. I can assure you the log ride doesn't need to be jumped off. Gravity will do it's thing gracefully if you let it 🙂
when are you riding? Does friday morning work well for one to tag along?

Pretty much every day when I'm not commuting by bike. Friday looks good. It would have to be either early (7:30-8:00) or after 11:30 AM. Early would probably be best as when the temps move up all the snow is going to make a mess.

Pretty much every day when I'm not commuting by bike. Friday looks good. It would have to be either early (7:30-8:00) or after 11:30 AM. Early would probably be best as when the temps move up all the snow is going to make a mess.


friday works for me! i was also thinking about making my way up there tomm around noon if you were riding. You gonna b around?

Gotta take a nap b4 work. althout i just got home from work. but have to go back. PITA!

ill look back for ya 😀
Yes I'll be there, noon by the soccer fields on Crim rd.

Today the conditions were near perfect. A bit slippery crossing creeks...

Yes I'll be there, noon by the soccer fields on Crim rd.

Today the conditions were near perfect. A bit slippery crossing creeks...


Tomorrow or Friday?
Yes I'll be there, noon by the soccer fields on Crim rd.

Today the conditions were near perfect. A bit slippery crossing creeks...


ill do my best to get out there and meet ya. As long as my body allows me to wake up in time....ill b there 🙂
hmm...i never got the memo. been up since 6a and prolly will not get out of work till 5, in bed at 6a. There was a hour and a half nap in between. does that count?
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