Barack Obama 2008?

His new tax overhaul / program with never fly, it'll be his undoing.

Tax the crap out of any family making more then 80k a year, because their rich
Super Duper Advice

If you want to divide people the easiest way is to discuss politics.
True enough. We're 27 (now 28) posts into it and it's civil so far. But if people get uppity I'm slashing and burning.
I feel strongly about nothing so my biggest match was like 34 points. I already forget who it was as it wasn't one of the headliners. Ross Perot or something.
One day I picked up a DirtRag magazine. I noticed that on the first page of the mag that there was a note from the editor reguarding politics. It was very clear what "side" of the fence the editor was supporting in his piece. Owning a business, I learned way way back not to discuss politics because it alienates about half the customers who disagree. It cost me. From that point on I have never revealed my political views to customers. People are very passionate about politics and it causes divisivness. Thinking I would help out DirtRag by telling the editor about how it would definately cost him customers, I wrote him. I care. He wrote me back and basically told me to shove it in a nice way. I was really trying to help him too! Now I don't buy DirtRag. It's a biking magazine and they should have just stuck to bikes. I think his name was Maurice Tierney or something like that. Bummer, cause I really used to like the mag but I can't get past thier stupidity in revealing their political views. They lost one customer that was very happy before that.
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Maurice is a good guy.

I agree that politics and just about anything do not mix.

Dirtrag is still worth reading but it will always remain a liberal media source. You have to know that going in.
wazu - not too sure what you are driving at. are you suggesting that as owners of MTBNJ we should not be participating in a discussion about speculation on who will be on the presidential ticket for 2008 :confused: ? If so, I guess I can't openly throw my support behind Ralph, either...

EDIT: Personally, I believe that sports rivalries can be more polarizing than politics. Case in point
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Ralph Wiggins / Martin Prince '08

got my vote, my cat's breath smells like cat food.
me fail english, that's unpossible
I think people get insane about politics, more than sports. Nothing can cause someone to judge another person as quickly as a party affiliation. I also find people make wildly broad and inaccurate statements about politics that often cause knee-jerk reactions which turn into knee-jerk chain reactions.

I think the best way to go about it is to assume everything you believe will likely change, so any belief you hold today might be the opposite tomorrow. That, and it doesn't matter all that much. No matter who wins the NH primary I'm waking up at 6:00 am tomorrow and going to work.
wazu - not too sure what you are driving at. are you suggesting that as owners of MTBNJ we should not be participating in a discussion about speculation on who will be on the presidential ticket for 2008 :confused: ? If so, I guess I can't openly throw my support behind Ralph, either...

EDIT: Personally, I believe that sports rivalries can be more polarizing than politics. Case in point

Yo Mr. Shaginski....
I never drive or suggest. I say exactly what I mean. I'm the only person who can put words in my mouth and I've posted those words. It's only advice anyway and by the way, its good advice. There are many subjects that cause divisiveness such as Race, Sex, Drugs, Religion and of course, Politics. Heck it's not my web site. Talk away folks! :) ps. If the bipartisanship that currently exists persists, it won't matter who wins because nothing will get done anyway. Cheers.
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I have no idea whi Duncan Hunter is, but this magic box said he's the one to go with. Might not be a bad idea to get away from the cookie cutter candidates though.
Wazu I understand where you are coming from, but wasnt teh interweb created by al gore to surf porn and discuss things on forums? :D

Writing off dirt rag based on maurice's point of view? I met him a few times, and honestly he struck me as a bit of a douche. I still dig his mag, subsrcibe religiously (since forever) and feel it is one of the best out there. Its all I subscribe to actually. Maybe I am not strong enough in my convictions, but I cant let my view of one dude shadow the fact that the rag is a great thing for this sport and makes me happy when it shows up.
Wazu makes a good point about the bipartisan issue. Whether we elect Obama, Clinton, Guliani, Ralph, or Colbert it'll still persist. Unfortunately i dont see it ending anytime soon. I personally am still up in the air about the candidates so i have to pay attention to what's going on but i'm not gonna stay up worrying about it. In the big scheme i think change starts at the local level so if you only vote in national elections you only make a minor difference, although it's still important to vote in all elections big or small.

But that's just my opinion, i could be wrong. :hmmm:
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