Well-Known Member
And sometimes the body can't ever get over it...
My dad stopped cold turkey after 40+ years of 2 pack a day smoking in 1985. Diagnosed with COPD in 1991. On oxygen 24x7 until he died from lung cancer in 2001...six weeks from diagnosis to grave. Well, technically, it was the liver cancer that took him down, but it started in the lungs.
Everyone has a story like this or knows somebody with a story like this. That should tell you something.
OTOH, my father-in-law was a marathon runner (multiple NY/Boston marathons), ate better than ANY of you (I don't even have to even guess what you eat to say that with confidence), no smoke, *occasional* beer...when he was 58 (and I was mid-30's) he could pound me into the ground on a hike (usually walking up hills backwards laughing at me as I gasped for air). Lou Gehrigs (ALS) took him down over a five year period--'has to be one of the most horrific ways to die there is.
OTOH, again, my grandma Vera (friend of the family that we called grandma...too bad I don't have some of her genetics) passed the century mark, died quietly in her sleep one night, after drinking every day, smoking like a chimney (unfiltered cigarettes to boot!), and flyin' 100 mph every day up until the last one.
The moral of this story is that you never know what may, or may not, rob you of your health. If it is avoidable, don't stack the odds against yourself...
Hang up the Marlboros and ride...I'd be surprised if anybody ever regretted it.
I have experienced the same situations with some of my "elderfolks". There is a saying... Maybe Gramma Vera mentioned it, " If I Knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself".