anyone here a smoker?

And sometimes the body can't ever get over it...

My dad stopped cold turkey after 40+ years of 2 pack a day smoking in 1985. Diagnosed with COPD in 1991. On oxygen 24x7 until he died from lung cancer in 2001...six weeks from diagnosis to grave. Well, technically, it was the liver cancer that took him down, but it started in the lungs.

Everyone has a story like this or knows somebody with a story like this. That should tell you something.

OTOH, my father-in-law was a marathon runner (multiple NY/Boston marathons), ate better than ANY of you (I don't even have to even guess what you eat to say that with confidence), no smoke, *occasional* beer...when he was 58 (and I was mid-30's) he could pound me into the ground on a hike (usually walking up hills backwards laughing at me as I gasped for air). Lou Gehrigs (ALS) took him down over a five year period--'has to be one of the most horrific ways to die there is.

OTOH, again, my grandma Vera (friend of the family that we called grandma...too bad I don't have some of her genetics) passed the century mark, died quietly in her sleep one night, after drinking every day, smoking like a chimney (unfiltered cigarettes to boot!), and flyin' 100 mph every day up until the last one.

The moral of this story is that you never know what may, or may not, rob you of your health. If it is avoidable, don't stack the odds against yourself...

Hang up the Marlboros and ride...I'd be surprised if anybody ever regretted it.

I have experienced the same situations with some of my "elderfolks". There is a saying... Maybe Gramma Vera mentioned it, " If I Knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself".
I have experienced the same situations with some of my "elderfolks". There is a saying... Maybe Gramma Vera mentioned it, " If I Knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself".

This past Thanksgiving weekend my very good friend's family lost a long time friend to a massive heart attack. Being that I knew this family about 30 of my 35 years, and had known the guy that died fairly well I joined them the afternoon that he passed for some drinks.

My friends father said this kinda jokingly as he drank his beer, smoked his Salem and did a shot of Jack. It was the first time I had ever heard the expression, but it's quite true.
There's plenty of help out there if u want it, but you have to WANT to quit. Just commit to one day at a time.
IMO,..smoking is only an habits(the bad one)just like we need drinking or eating to satisfied our thirst and hunger.

i star smoking at aged 10,.then stop at 25,until now!!

so,..if you can,pls stop and start riding your bike now!:popcorn:

but,..if you can't,still keep on crankin'!!:popcorn:
I smoked for 10 years. At first just a few cigs a day. Then a pack a day sometimes more. Exercise was impossible. I felt lazy and sick all the time. So I quit. I did this thing where my doctor zapped my ear with electricity - sorta like accupuncture. That was 7yrs ago. Everyone laughs when I mention it but it they are still smoking and I'm not. Poor bastards.
I quit cigarettes 7 years ago. 😉

My Stats:
Your Quit Date is: 4/21/2002 10:30:00 PM
Time Smoke-Free: 2627 days, 32 minutes and 56 seconds

Cigarettes NOT smoked: 65676
Lifetime Saved: 16 months, 21 days, 16 hours
Money Saved: $17,239.69
Eww 29er all the way😀

not a bad idea!

i think one of the problems is that i quite this past winter...and we all know how bitter cold it was, leaving me no choice but to leave my bike hanging in the garage and sit on the couch instead. had i been RIDING every day while tossing the habit, i don't think it would have returned as easily. truth be told, i was stressed out at my new job and my father was in and out of the hospital (he's healthy now) which led me to the nearest quickie mart to buy a pack of smokes.

thanks for the kick in the arse fella's

i plan on tapering down to a few a day, going on vacation next week, and then tossin 'em in the trash..

I quit cigarettes 7 years ago. 😉

My Stats:
Your Quit Date is: 4/21/2002 10:30:00 PM
Time Smoke-Free: 2627 days, 32 minutes and 56 seconds

Cigarettes NOT smoked: 65676
Lifetime Saved: 16 months, 21 days, 16 hours
Money Saved: $17,239.69

those stats are shocking to say the least. is healthcare figured in to the money saved? or is it the nj cigarette tax? thats incentive alone to quit.
Your Quit Date is: Monday, October 15, 2007 at 6:00:00 AM
Test Time Smoke-Free: 608 days, 23 hours, 14 minutes and 11 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 12179

Lifetime Saved: 3 months, 3 days
Money Saved: $2,131.50
All this reminds me of a time when I went onto my local bible forum to seek advice on that my atheism was getting in the way of my faith.
I quit cigarettes 7 years ago. 😉

My Stats:
Your Quit Date is: 4/21/2002 10:30:00 PM
Time Smoke-Free: 2627 days, 32 minutes and 56 seconds

Cigarettes NOT smoked: 65676
Lifetime Saved: 16 months, 21 days, 16 hours
Money Saved: $17,239.69

wow, do you know how many bikes you could buy with that? ... not to mention what you could do in that 16 months.
those stats are shocking to say the least. is healthcare figured in to the money saved? or is it the nj cigarette tax? thats incentive alone to quit.

Good for you man! And zang, $17 grand? That just goes to show that a little goes a hell of a long way.

wow, do you know how many bikes you could buy with that? ... not to mention what you could do in that 16 months.

Nope...that's savings purely in packs of smokes not purchased. The "real"number is probabily higher, as the calculation is done at $5.25 a pack.

I've bought 1 bike with the savings, 3 pairs of skis, 2 pairs of ski boots and a house 😉
Everybody dies man, so don't quit because you don't want to die. I quit cold turkey. Smoked from 1981 to 1996.
My mom died of an Asthma attack at age 55........never smoked, didn't scare me to quit.
My father had a massive heart attack at 55 '91 he smoked, had no effect on my smoking.
He's still alive by the way.
I quit because the smoke kept me down...............
Need even more motivation? When you buy smokes, you line the pockets of the biggest scumbags ever to walk the Earth. People so vile they make child molesters look like community leaders. Remembering those fuckers not only existed but profited handsomely from my addiction helped me quit one day years ago.
I never understood smoking. Like most, I've tried it and I hated it. I choked, coughed, and stunk from the smoke... and I get to pay for the priviledge by having to buy the smokes and risk getting lung cancer and giving those who live with me lung cancer.

I doubt that people took to smoking right after their first puff. If you tried something that made you cough like mad and gasp for air, why would you try it again? I don't know.. maybe its just me but I just don't get it.
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Best thing I ever did.....

.... was to Quit!

When I did it I thought it was the best thing ever.. if only it was good for you. I quit many times before "it took". Now I curse the years I smoked and I hate the smell of it. The hate the smell of it thing happens after one quits, it's not a perceptual thing, but stick your nose in an ash tray and sniff, and I mean in the ash tray, that's what a cig smell like after you stop for good.

The fact of the matter was that I decided to try to be around for as long as possible for my kidz sake. The smokes just didn't fit in that picture. This is a kookey thread for an mtb forum.... lol.
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