Annoying People at Work


Well-Known Member
Since many of us are stuck at work all day and not out biking, let's share our pains.

What are the annoying things your co-workers do? Aside from pushing them out a window (although if you do that, please share), how do you cope?
oh man have i been waiting for this topic forever

I hate it so much when my neighbor here is on the phone with his wife like 10 times a day and talks about problems at home. Take is outside plz :cry: I cope by telling other coworkers on the messenger how ridiculous it is and we laugh.

What is worse than that is when someone uses all the water from the water cooler and they walk away as you walk up to get water and you ask yourself WTF? To lighten the mood I created a star system with names and you give yourself a star if you change the water. The reward at the end of the month would be a surprise. It lasted 2 days until it was ripped down by one of the managers :rofl:
Damn managers ruin the little bit of fun you try to inject into your day. Screw em! Definitely loud talking on the phone is the #1 annoying thing done by co-workers. #2 is leaving your cell ringer on. I don't understand why people don't put their cell on vibrate when they walk in the door. Gotta love when they walk away from the desk and leave their phone there, while someone is desperately trying to get a hold of them. Horrible ring tones do get a good laugh though. Stupidity also strikes a nerve with me, along management saying "no, we can't" without a good reason when firing the morons is mentioned. Way to go, glad you're in charge....Best method coping is making fun of people through email.
What is worse than that is when someone uses all the water from the water cooler and they walk away as you walk up to get water and you ask yourself WTF? To lighten the mood I created a star system with names and you give yourself a star if you change the water. The reward at the end of the month would be a surprise. It lasted 2 days until it was ripped down by one of the managers :rofl:

Same goes for coffee!!! does it take that much to brew another pot after you take the last cup :getsome::getsome::mad::mad:
I no longer drink the free coffee at work. But this is my theory...

The last cup of coffee is always dreadful. It's been sitting on the burner for at least an hour and no matter how much milk/cream you put in it, it taskes like tar. The person who left it isn't at fault, because they too the next to last cup of coffee. So they don't need to brew a new pot.

Well along comes this sucker and grabs the last cup of coffee, only to find that it's the worst thing you can possibly put in a coffee pot. He thinks, "I'm not replacing this, I got squat out of this deal." And walks away disgusted. Or he wants a cup badly enough that he makes another pot.

I've been there before, where there's half a cup of tar. I'll take it, because I was desperate. But I'll be damned if I'm making a cup for the next guy. That's my theory.

The most annoying thing my coworkes do is not do their job. People are paid to do X, but if you actually expect them to do X it's like asking for the world half the time. So more often than not, they just get in the way when the competent people just try to do the work for them.
Luckily I have one co-worker that encompasses all the annoying habits I could ever ask for. She texts all day, screams at her family on the phone, stares at me and when I ask "what?", her reply is "what? you were staring at me.". She laughs everytime my computer beeps or anything else in my vicinity makes a noise, tells me when I need a hair cut and tells me the color of my socks (oh - you wore the blue funky socks I see- yeah, what's it to you?), comes up to my desk and stands there, but says nothing. If I take off from work, she "gets back at me" by taking a day off - typically "Fine, but if you take off Tuesday, I am taking off Wednesday." Umm.. good. Now get away.

She feels like a tick that I just can't grip to pull it out and dispose of. I feel the tick staring at me right now!

There's definitely more, but I will remember it later. Cope? Still trying to figure out how.
How can I forget? The bathroom to our floor is accessed through our office. This one guy poops on ithe seat and doesn't clean it. Yesterday I put post-its that said "ICK" on the toilet seat with arrows pointing to the poo spots.
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not putting dates on paper work at all there is a little section that for todays date and a section for the day it is due neither one has a date on it.
my coworkers are cool. i only have three so its all good. but on the other side i have to deal with rich snobby people from rumson and fair haven on a daily basis. they really know how to commit douchebaggary to its finest.
How can I forget? The bathroom to our floor is accessed through our office. This one guy poops on it and doesn't clean it. Yesterday I pust post-its that said "ICK" on the toilet seat with arrows pointing to the poo spots.

Damn... I was eating when I read this.

Here is my recommendation for revenge... :hitsfan:
How can I forget? The bathroom to our floor is accessed through our office. This one guy poops on it and doesn't clean it. Yesterday I pust post-its that said "ICK" on the toilet seat with arrows pointing to the poo spots.

I think I love you......

Our phone answering lady thinks she has some sort of authority. She doesn't, yet she bothers us all day long. I just yes her and go about my day.
Luckily I have one co-worker that encompasses all the annoying habits I could ever ask for. She texts all day, screams at her family on the phone, stares at me and when I ask "what?", her reply is "what? you were staring at me.". She laughs everytime my computer beeps or anything else in my vicinity makes a noise, tells me when I need a hair cut and tells me the color of my socks (oh - you wore the blue funky socks I see- yeah, what's it to you?), comes up to my desk and stands there, but says nothing. If I take off from work, she "gets back at me" by taking a day off - typically "Fine, but if you take off Tuesday, I am taking off Wednesday." Umm.. good. Now get away.

She feels like a tick that I just can't grip to pull it out and dispose of. I feel the tick staring at me right now!

There's definitely more, but I will remember it later. Cope? Still trying to figure out how.

I think I'm the only one here who knows who you're talking about. :p I can vouch for Mare that she's not exagerating.
Throw her off the roof already!!! :mad2:
I get pissed when after I get done using the lathes or milling machines in my shop I clean 'em off when I'm done (it only takes 2 minutes) Then when I go to use them again I find 'em covered in chips & crap :getsome: I don't yell. i just say sarcasticly "Gee I sure do LOVE cleaning other peoples messes"

Friggin' slobs. :(
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There was this annoying guy at work...he had the worst work habits and one of those fake laughs that was like a warning siren to let everyone know where the annoying guy was. The laugh was helpful in finding him the day I fired him.
Since many of us are stuck at work all day and not out biking, let's share our pains.

the real pain is go back home on a bike ..cold and dark ...
I still have one car and going to work and back on a bike , well ,now is not fun at all ...
lets see how long I can keep with the bike...
one of my coworkers always tells me his ebay war stories and I could really not care, it is my fault because i told him about one of mine. He also makes references to his old jobs constantly and quotes from old movies and tv shows and I never know what the f he is talking about, but he laughs at the jokes for a couple of mins while I just stare at the wall
How about the guy that walks into your cube and gives a nice heft clomp clomp as his last 2 steps up behind you, like he expects you to turn around and be happy to see him? I keep staring at my computer like I didn't hear him until he says something, it's usually a good 10-15 uncomfortable seconds
There is also a guy in our office dubbed "Mr. Wonderful" who walks around talking about all of the projects he's written proposals for in the last month, and how he's going to get the work since he is so damn awesome. Guess how much work he actually brings in?
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