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Parks and Recreation Plan
Posted: March 19, 2019

Public Participation in the Parks and Recreation Plan

The Byram Township Open Space Committee is soliciting responses from the public about the Parks and Recreation Plan through an online survey.

The survey asks questions related to each section of the Parks and Recreation Plan, including Open Space and Recreation, Trails, Eco-Tourism, and Stewardship and Asset Management.

Participants are encouraged to complete the survey and share it with others. Participants do not need to be residents of Byram Township to take the survey.


In addition, Greener by Design, the environmental consulting firm contracted by the Township, will be holding a series of stakeholder meetings. These meetings will help shape the final Parks and Recreation Plan, which has an anticipated completion date of April 2020. Subsequent meeting information will be posted on Byram Township’s official website at:

This survey and meetings are part of a larger effort to engage stakeholders and the general public. The PRP is designed to guide the responsible management of the Township’s shared assets, which requires the input from as many residents, businesses, visitors, and neighbors of the community as possible. Funds for the PRP were awarded by the Highlands Council late last year.
Is the survey open to out of state people? just clicked and the first page is all about Byram.
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