Abbott Marshlands along the Delaware


Well-Known Member
Just in case you ever wondered about the grand staircase at the former White City Amusement Park in Hamilton,
New Jersey, now the Abbott Marshlands. This site is important archaeologically, historically, and environmentally.
It is home to the Abbott Farm National Historic Landmark, which was investigated by Charles Conrad Abbott (1843-1919),
a noted archaeologist and naturalist, in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Evidence of inhabitation has been found dating to
at least 13,000 years ago. It has been said to be one of the most significant Native American sites in the eastern United States.
Then fast-forward to 1907, when White City Amusement Park opened around a body of water now known as Spring Lake.
The amusement park was built at the end of a trolley line and boasted a roller coaster, carousel, scenic railway, movie theater,
and water flume ride. By the late 1920s, due to the advent of the car, the amusement park was abandoned. All that remains
today is a grand staircase that took visitors from the amusement area down to Spring Lake


Bicycles: Please note that bicycling is allowed only on the trail around Spring Lake and on the D&R Canal Tow Path Trail on Duck Island.
Other trails are too fragile. Motorized vehicles are not permitted.
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