A refined passion. Let's share your day trading strategies that work.

Dave Taylor

Rex kwan Do
As some of you know my passion is day trading. I completely understand that 90% or more fail at this but I also realize that the few who succeed generally succeed big. I am nearing the few, but it's been a long and painful road. I believe that90% fail because they "gamble". I'm guilty of it. I've had a couple options trades that brought in $15k in a day all while giving it back on another trade because I got greedy. I've blown accounts, lost money, made money but I will never give up. I'll analyze below but I basically only trade options ODTE on indices and weeklies stocks. I also trade futures. Before I go any further, trading is risky, use your own judgement. At the same time it can be very rewarding. I'm sure some financial guys will chime in here and they aren't wrong but there is also a reason they are still working. I'd like to be part of the few that do it well enough that I do not have to work. I also understand this may never happen but to be content at a 9-5 job will never be me.
Here's what I have learned. You can make tons of money via SPX, SPY, QQQ etc if you realize that generally the markets are designed to go up. I've learned that if we are in an uptrend overall(like the current state) you can simply buy when a major support breaks down and then recovers. Example, SPX breaks below 5800 support and hits 5750. It may sit here a day. or two but once it recovers 5800 you can generally expect it to retrace higher, most likely all time highs. Shorting indices is fine intraday and very rewarding when it works but very difficult to do on a longer term basis as SPX is designed to go up. The reason shorting works so well when you do hit is the premiums are generally very low on put options when market is at ATH.
Futures trading can be very rewarding with the false breakdown that I mentioned above but you need to understand 2 things. Futures are the easiest way to get over leveraged and blow your account so account size and # of contracts is very important. With SPX trading level to level(typically 5-30 pts/level) you need to run your stops big enough to go the opposite direction and test a previous level without getting stopped. Using micro size contracts can help with this but I typically won't trade futures with anything less than a $10k account. The more contracts you add the more day margin you need so the more contracts you add the closer you get to having your account liquidated. Use caution.
What has worked best for me is trading 1 day out index options and weekly(1-3 weeks out) stock options. I have a futures account that I only trade in on more calculated days when we reclaim a lost support. Stock options I trade two ways. Either buy them when you feel a multi day/week trend is coming via 2-3 week OTM calls/puts or trade thurs/fri when weeklies expire with small "lose it all" amounts as typically Friday is a hero or zero trade. TSLA has had 2 great Friday trades off there hourly 8ema in the last 4 weeks and seeing returns of 400-1700% is very rewarding and only takes 1 or 2 contracts to see a big return. 11/22 350 calls I bought at 1.20 and saw a high of 7.75 an hour or two later. I only bought one but $120 risk for $500+ return is pretty good and it's not gambling completely if you can understand how a stock reacts off certain levels. 11/8 TSLA 3/10s also rewarded nicely. I used the 8ema once again on a Friday and bought two 310 calls at $.48 each for $96 total investment. I expected a retest of the previous hourly candle (310 area and stock opened at $296 area. I took one off the table at $1.80(almost 300% return ) and let the other run until the stock hit 310. This actually ended up giving me $600 on one contract. Little did I know that TSLA would later hit $328 that day and had I held each contract would have been worth over $2k at some point. But it's Friday and you need to let it be a lotto or manage risk.
I typically like to screen for stocks using finviz.com. I use about 10-15 parameters to find trend, strength and volume. 1: 200SMA above, 2: 50SMA above, 3: 20 SMA above, 4: avg volume over $500k 6: relative volume over 1 7: current volume over 1 million 8: market cap "mid cap+" 9: price "over $20" 10: change "up" 11: option/short "optional". I like to confirm what I want to trade with the 8ema being above the 21ema(I do this in the Webull and TOS desktop apps). Buying my positions typically when the hourly as above the 8ema but a very small candle just above.
Disclaimer: I understand this could have been a reddit post. I also understand there are many haters on here. I also understand that many people are willing to learn, try different things and grind through adversity to become better at something. Cyclists are a great example of this. Please feel free to share, hate, learn, disagree with etc.
It's the @Dave Taylor thread I've been waiting for, lol. I'm out doing family things right now but plan to be a regular contributor here. My wife says I need to go back to work full time if I can't at least replicate my full time salary day trading. I'm not going back to working more than a day or two a week! I refuse!
Maybe I should spend my 10k day trading?
Not day trading but I did turn an initial $12k deposit into an Etrade account and turn it into a 6 figure play money account over about 20 years. Buy low, sell high. Win some, lose some. I've paid attention most years, bit there have been years I've totally ignored it and it still grows. Of course I should have just bought AAPL and it would be close to 3 million dollars by now.
Currently, most of my day trading is done through a prop firm (topstep). I'm focused on NQ, mostly trading minis, sometimes if I'm in a drawdown I like to switch to micros to minimize the risk of blowing the account.
Not sure if anyone has heard of trading through prop firms, but here's the jist (using topstep as the example):

1st step. Open a combine. You pay them $50 a month for a $50k account evaluation. Basically you get a $50k account to trade (simulated trading that mimicks the market perfectly, their platform (topstepx) uses Trading View). They allow you to draw down $2k before the account is considered blown and you have to wait for the month to get rebilled and that resets the account, or you could pay another $50 and reset it early, or you can purchase a new one while you wait for that one to rebill. Your goal for the account is to hit $53k in no less than 2 days (your best winning day can not be more than 50% of the profits, or they'll add to what you need to hit).

2nd step. Once you pass the combine, you pay another $150 to purchase a simulated funded account. There's no more monthly charge at this point. You get that $50k account account to trade and earn the opportunity to get paid. When started, you get the same draw down, $2k. And that goes up based on the amount you make everyday. So when you start, your balance is $0 and you can let the balance drop to -2k before your account is blown and you start the process over. Let's say you make $1000 on your first day, now your balance is $1000 and you can now only draw down to a -$1000 balance. Your max draw down follows your profit up until you make $2000, then your max drawdown stays at a $0 balance. So once you hit zero, it's over, you need to start from scratch.

Step 3. Make money! In the simulated funded account it's still simulated trading, but you get paid. You need 5 days making over $200 to be eligible for each payout, and payouts can be up to half the account balance. After 30 days over $200 you can take up to 100% of the balance whenever you want, keeping in mind that if you hit a $0 balance, your account gets closed.

Step 4. Once you hit those 30 days, sometimes way before that, they may call you to a live funded account. But most people won't ever get to that point so I won't bother explaining the rules with that...

He's the profit I've made in November on my most recent funded account. I opened the combine on the 4th, passed it on the 5th and took a $1500 payout on the 18th. The days that are blank are days I was either at work or Disney and didn't trade.

I still get tilted and blow these accounts, but overall I'm consistently becoming more profitable. I think I started my taking journey at the beginning of 2022 and am only now really becoming profitable. My biggest issue now are my emotions, once they take over I almost immediately blow an account if I don't lock myself out of it before it happens. I've even opened funded accounts and blown them in the same day without ever getting a payout, but these prop firms are great tools to limit your risk while you're learning. My plan will be to eventually trade my own account and not rely on topstep (they take 10% of the profit after you get paid your first $10k). But I'm not there yet. If I blow a topstep account, I'm out $200. If that were my own money it would be at least $2000, probably way more. So starting out, prop firms offer you the opportunity to make a lot of money with little risk. You just need to keep in mind that the massive amount of people blowing these amounts and starting over is what pays for the simulated funded payouts. So the odds are way stacked against you, but if you put in the work, the possibilities are endless.

The profit in this account is mild. I'll usually lock myself out of the account after I get over $500 for the day or at 11am if I'm not in a trade. I tend to give back my profits after 11. I have a great system that provides tons of opportunity to make way more then this, but fear and greed are holding me back, forcing me to break the rules of my system, and reduce it's potential. So my current focus is on getting to the root cause of these emotions and overcoming my self sabotaging behaviors. If you ever thought you had free will, trading will show you that you have zero control when emotion takes over. When I started this journey I thought I could be robotic and not trade off emotions. Holy shit was I wrong.

I'll post more about my journey and the way I trade when I get more time. I just wanted to give a snapshot of where I'm at right now. Far from a regular salary, but well on way.

Edit to add: the payouts you receive will get taxed like you're an independent contractor at tax time. I think they give you a 1099.
Currently, most of my day trading is done through a prop firm (topstep). I'm focused on NQ, mostly trading minis, sometimes if I'm in a drawdown I like to switch to micros to minimize the risk of blowing the account.
Not sure if anyone has heard of trading through prop firms, but here's the jist (using topstep as the example):

1st step. Open a combine. You pay them $50 a month for a $50k account evaluation. Basically you get a $50k account to trade (simulated trading that mimicks the market perfectly, their platform (topstepx) uses Trading View). They allow you to draw down $2k before the account is considered blown and you have to wait for the month to get rebilled and that resets the account, or you could pay another $50 and reset it early, or you can purchase a new one while you wait for that one to rebill. Your goal for the account is to hit $53k in no less than 2 days (your best winning day can not be more than 50% of the profits, or they'll add to what you need to hit).

2nd step. Once you pass the combine, you pay another $150 to purchase a simulated funded account. There's no more monthly charge at this point. You get that $50k account account to trade and earn the opportunity to get paid. When started, you get the same draw down, $2k. And that goes up based on the amount you make everyday. So when you start, your balance is $0 and you can let the balance drop to -2k before your account is blown and you start the process over. Let's say you make $1000 on your first day, now your balance is $1000 and you can now only draw down to a -$1000 balance. Your max draw down follows your profit up until you make $2000, then your max drawdown stays at a $0 balance. So once you hit zero, it's over, you need to start from scratch.

Step 3. Make money! In the simulated funded account it's still simulated trading, but you get paid. You need 5 days making over $200 to be eligible for each payout, and payouts can be up to half the account balance. After 30 days over $200 you can take up to 100% of the balance whenever you want, keeping in mind that if you hit a $0 balance, your account gets closed.

Step 4. Once you hit those 30 days, sometimes way before that, they may call you to a live funded account. But most people won't ever get to that point so I won't bother explaining the rules with that...

He's the profit I've made in November on my most recent funded account. I opened the combine on the 4th, passed it on the 5th and took a $1500 payout on the 18th. The days that are blank are days I was either at work or Disney and didn't trade.
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I still get tilted and blow these accounts, but overall I'm consistently becoming more profitable. I think I started my taking journey at the beginning of 2022 and am only now really becoming profitable. My biggest issue now are my emotions, once they take over I almost immediately blow an account if I don't lock myself out of it before it happens. I've even opened funded accounts and blown them in the same day without ever getting a payout, but these prop firms are great tools to limit your risk while you're learning. My plan will be to eventually trade my own account and not rely on topstep (they take 10% of the profit after you get paid your first $10k). But I'm not there yet. If I blow a topstep account, I'm out $200. If that were my own money it would be at least $2000, probably way more. So starting out, prop firms offer you the opportunity to make a lot of money with little risk. You just need to keep in mind that the massive amount of people blowing these amounts and starting over is what pays for the simulated funded payouts. So the odds are way stacked against you, but if you put in the work, the possibilities are endless.

The profit in this account is mild. I'll usually lock myself out of the account after I get over $500 for the day or at 11am if I'm not in a trade. I tend to give back my profits after 11. I have a great system that provides tons of opportunity to make way more then this, but fear and greed are holding me back, forcing me to break the rules of my system, and reduce it's potential. So my current focus is on getting to the root cause of these emotions and overcoming my self sabotaging behaviors. If you ever thought you had free will, trading will show you that you have zero control when emotion takes over. When I started this journey I thought I could be robotic and not trade off emotions. Holy shit was I wrong.

I'll post more about my journey and the way I trade when I get more time. I just wanted to give a snapshot of where I'm at right now. Far from a regular salary, but well on way.

Edit to add: the payouts you receive will get taxed like you're an independent contractor at tax time. I think they give you a 1099.
Sounds similar to just trading micros through Tradovate. $50 minimum MES day margin but if you start with a $200 account you can have $150 drawdown before you blow it(why I say I won’t trade futures with less than $10k. I know some that trade with two $400 accounts and trade 2 MES(micros) in one account in one direction and 1 MNQ in the other account in the other direction.
Sounds similar to just trading micros through Tradovate. $50 minimum MES day margin but if you start with a $200 account you can have $150 drawdown before you blow it(why I say I won’t trade futures with less than $10k. I know some that trade with two $400 accounts and trade 2 MES(micros) in one account in one direction and 1 MNQ in the other account in the other direction.
I've never tried tradovate. I might have to give that a whirl and build up an account.
Aside from topstep I've only ever used think or swim. Still do all my charting on there and trade options through it, but I think their futures requirements are pretty hefty. Never traded futures until giving topstep a try.
I've never tried tradovate. I might have to give that a whirl and build up an account.
Aside from topstep I've only ever used think or swim. Still do all my charting on there and trade options through it, but I think their futures requirements are pretty hefty. Never traded futures until giving topstep a try.


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Can't beat making $1000 in 4 minutes
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This is what people don't realize you can do. If you keep very small risk size the reward on options can be huge. The close they get to expiration the more volatile they become. I’ve had a couple big zingers in the last 1-5 min of trading. If you add volume profile and gamma levels in you can really gauge where something might go end of day. I also wrote a couple Think or Swim scripts that update my charts with previous day high/low/close as well as expected moves that you get from IV and gamma. Basically price seeks a volume shelf (above or below) and this is typically where moves end up.
These were a couple low risk trades in the last couple of weeks. I also lost $3k on an MSTR trade that went against me(had I stomached it and held it would have been a big winner).


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This is what people don't realize you can do. If you keep very small risk size the reward on options can be huge. The close they get to expiration the more volatile they become. I’ve had a couple big zingers in the last 1-5 min of trading. If you add volume profile and gamma levels in you can really gauge where something might go end of day. I also wrote a couple Think or Swim scripts that update my charts with previous day high/low/close as well as expected moves that you get from IV and gamma. Basically price seeks a volume shelf (above or below) and this is typically where moves end up.
And here I am manually moving my previous day high, low, close every morning 🤣.
My chart always has previous day high low and close, where VWAP was at close, premarket high and low.
I chart it for ES, NQ, SPY, and VIX. sometimes for tickers I like, like tsla and meta.

ES, NQ, and VIX 10 minute charts are always up on the screen for overall sentiment and direction.

Those end of day allow algos can be nuts! I'm usually picking the kids up from school at that time though.
These were a couple low risk trades in the last couple of weeks. I also lost $3k on an MSTR trade that went against me(had I stomached it and held it would have been a big winner).
That's awesome. I bought some PLTR calls on Oct 16 with a Nov 14th (I think) expiration. Sold them way too early two days after earnings for a measly 500%, then watched as the price went past 2000% before they expired.
Thought about getting into some TSLA calls after their earnings but didn't, kinda regret that
Other than that I've just been day trading options. I gotta get back into swinging them
I don’t have the patience yet for swinging. I generally like to be cash settled end of day. Then I don’t need to think about it overnight. I will leave micro trades on mes open overnight however.
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