2024 edition 31/31

Personally I love the camaraderie between riders this creates. Some folks struggle with it and others don’t. Last year I couldn’t manage the one hour minimum but still wanted to participate, now I’m back in and am looking forward to it. Let’s get a big ass group together and do some rides!!
Let's start here.

Please discuss prior year's attempts, failures etc.

I just wanted a placeholder for this.

Best of luck.
Thanks Jdog! My post last night was more of a question on whether this would happen. I was worried today that I would need to run it! 😁

The first year I did it, I didn't think I would make it a week and wound up doing the whole thing. Have finished every year since. I'll try again this year. As Frank said it's the feeling of doing something difficult with other folks. Not worried about prizes, time limits,e-bikes etc., let's just try to finish in the heat.

If I can help in any way just let me know.

@Patrick feel free delete the other thread or move it wherever.
In years past I feel that I've burnt my self out early, maybe because of the long holiday weekend you have more time to ride. Might try the opposite approach to see if going easy up front leads to longer rides towards the end.

Not sure I'm 100% in yet this year, but we will see.
Well, at least I Started 🤗


I must be doing something wrong because I cannot seem to do what you did with the photo and have the Strava info overlay.

Any hints?
I just save it as a picture now because it won’t show an image, just a link….it didn’t used to do that. You on an iPhone?? Just curious if it’s an Apple thing.
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