Well I'll be patrolling at both races so I look forward to seeing you sometime soon. I might be putting together a TM before 10/2, it'll be posted on JORBA.
Hi Manny - good to meet you today at MD, it was fun running Stonegate with a video camera behind me. Oh, the pressure to perform while the camera is rolling! 🙂
good to hear your summer riding is going good. i figured blue mtn would be your type of trail - lots of rollers. right now i'm riding lots of soft stuff at wawayanda and a bit of JH. Maybe starting this week we can connect on some ride - maybe allaire?
Hey Manny - wondering how your summer riding's going since JH? We have to hit ringwood or JH soon.
I took another bad endo one week after our ride and dislocated my ring finger (again). Finger stuck out past 90 degrees at the midjoint - I flicked it back into place on the trail and rode home. I'm still riding but riding very scared - even the small technical stuff makes me think twice.