Hi - hope you are the right person for this question, if not my apologies...
I tried cross racing this year for the first time, and did 4 races - martys central park, 1 day of the sccx, 1 day at horseshoe, and then 1 day of the bowdoin hudson valley cx. However when I looked at the NJBA results that were posted recently, I didnt see my name listed.
I finished roughly mid pack in each of these races, all catC, so I don't know if I didnt show up in the results because I didnt finish high enough, or if I maybe needed to do something to "register" myself for NJBA, etc. Can you shed any light as to why I wouldn't show up? (no big deal either way, like I said i wasnt anywhere near a contender in any of these races, I was just curious...)
Appreciate it, and apologies if you arent the right person to ask this question of...