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  • my team is Dirty Gurlz.. it's a bunch of girls that I ride w/ and have many interesting adventures w/ .... we are just our own thing 🙂
    I'll be at the DH40 too! Camelback is a good time. Nick Morrell was in the middle of giving me a nice tour last month when my crank arm decided to part ways with me.
    I pretty much went up to Maria and told her I had signed up for Lewis Morris this year under their shop's name. I didn't ask for anything, I just wanted to give them some sort of exposure to help out with business. What's your team's name?
    Wanted to say hello. I'm a fellow Pennsylvanian, I live in Portland. I also raced the Bulldog Rump. Awesome race! I'd like to see a group of us riders from the Poconos put a team together and start representing. I ride for Mountain Valley but I'm the only one and don't even have a jersey.
    Have a good one!
    Let' definately start puttin weekend rides on the menu. I work some- but have most off.Sorry i'm missin this sat.
    Hey--You missed a great ride today. Can you ever get a babysitter? Do you work every day? I know how it is, I barely rode for 8 years. Just gettin my life back.---Patty
    Hey just wanted to let you know that my friends and I are going to ride allaire around 11 a.m. on Sunday. You said you were going to be in the area so you should definitely join us. Hope to see you there.

    sounds great... I am free evenings, if I can get a babysitter. How about weekends? Are they good for you?
    Hey - saw your message about riding at Deer Park or KVSP...I'm sort of beginner/intermediate - but if you ever want to ride, let me know. I'm free evenings M-Th...and now that I'll be done teaching soon, I can go anytime.
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