That would be a good thing far to many people drive like shit also maybe we could see a trickle out here with it forcing more people onto mass transit. With that said they need to fix masstransit before they do this because all those cities from the list above have usable masstransit that isn't a complete shit show like ours.

Uhm, they would still drive to a remote parking lot in NJ and get the train across the river.

I would gladly take mass transportation instead of driving if I were not forced to bounce off NYC in order to get to Secaucus. And to add infamy to insult it's called NJ Transit...

I can't wait for transportation to be fully moved to rail thanks to the GNL so I can sleep all the way to work from Ringwood!
Gonna have to bring @Patrick into this as well
Would bring in @Mr. E Man but he is a private man.... pfft...

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