Nassau is closed indefinitely as of February 15


2018 Fantasy Football Toilet Bowl Lead Technician
Team MTBNJ Halter's
Just saw this on Facebook. Good. This place has been getting trashed lately. Hopefully people respect that.

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Unfortunately, people aren't responsible enough. It's hard to disagree with this.

Park: Hey guys here's a trail.
Users: Hell yeah let's fuck it up!
Park: Ok on second thought, we're closing it.

Hard to disagree with that.
It's just a shame the amount of time and effort put into building and maintaining trails.
Only to get destroyed every a few misguided individuals.
I'm against trail closures based on the calendar only because there can be conditions/places in the winter and spring during which no trail damage is done from riding. With sub freezing temperatures, preferably on overcast days (or early in the morning), I've been able to get out on a number of rides this year without doing any trail damage. At times, my investment in studded tires has made what otherwise may have been dangerous conditions completely rideable. I know that this doesn't address the poor judgment used by some during this time of the year, but I'd like trail closures, if needed, to be based on actual conditions. Maybe that becomes too complicated a call. The longterm weather forecasts make the foreseeable future look challenging, but I'd hate to see "the baby thrown out with the bath water."
I should start by saying I have never ridden at Nassau and have no sense of how bad the damage is. So, closing it has no effect on me.

But, I am concerned with the idea some mountain bikers are now publicly advocating to broadly close ALL trails in the winter because some mountain bikers are irresponsible.

So, that means you agree with the idea: "Punish the whole class for the behavior of some". Do you really agree with that approach?

The fact that some people don't have good judgment does not mean we all don't. For those that would say: "Well its making MTBers look bad". I could easily start taking pictures of boot marks frozen in the mud to show that some other trail users don't use good judgment, either.
I should start by saying I have never ridden at Nassau and have no sense of how bad the damage is. So, closing it has no effect on me.

But, I am concerned with the idea some mountain bikers are now publicly advocating to broadly close ALL trails in the winter because some mountain bikers are irresponsible.

So, that means you agree with the idea: "Punish the whole class for the behavior of some". Do you really agree with that approach?

The fact that some people don't have good judgment does not mean we all don't. For those that would say: "Well its making MTBers look bad". I could easily start taking pictures of boot marks frozen in the mud to show that some other trail users don't use good judgment, either.

I saw horse hoof prints sunk 4+ inches into the mud at 6MR one year. And they were there for weeks
I agree with this closure but broad brush monthly closures, ummmm. However Kingdom does that.

I was glsad to see temps dropping tonight and then snow on saturday night, thaw/warm weather on the weekend after a wet week is death for trails.
Yes, I think all trails should be closed in the spring thaw, just like all cars are supposed to not drive 120 on the GSP and they don't sell guns at Wawa.

People are brutally irresponsible. Watch the news for 3 minutes to confirm that. Without structure we devolve into a morass of chaos, almost without fail.

But who are we kidding? We as a society think it's ok to sell guns legally to 17-year-old psychopaths. Don't worry, most trails probably won't be closed.
The point is that if we go into a deep freeze this weekend, who "opens" the trails? Will I be labeled a d-bag if I ride fully frozen trails causing no additional damage? Slippery slope here folks. No pun intended!
The point is that if we go into a deep freeze this weekend, who "opens" the trails? Will I be labeled a d-bag if I ride fully frozen trails causing no additional damage? Slippery slope here folks. No pun intended!
A week or two after they closed Nox, it didn't get above freezing for 2 weeks.

When does spring thaw happen? The past two weekends there was a sort of thaw from previous weeks.
The point is that if we go into a deep freeze this weekend, who "opens" the trails? Will I be labeled a d-bag if I ride fully frozen trails causing no additional damage? Slippery slope here folks. No pun intended!

It is a slippery slope. And ideally, you have people that work with the parks and open/close them as needed. In this specific case, I bet I could work with @Jeffreywoliver and @jShort and they could come up with a workable system where Jeff interfaces with the park based on Jeremy's feedback. This specific park is an example of where that could work. But we would need to have our shit together and be ready to work on a continuing basis to open/close the trails as-needed. I am sure there are other people that could be involved, eg the people who bring the machinery into the park.

Point being that sure, ideally this could work. But each park would need the people to do the legwork, etc.

How do you do this at Six Mile? You'd almost need to post an armed guard.

Chimney Rock is impossible. There are like 25 trailheads to deal with.
90% of the people out there don't really know the extent of their "it wasn't too bad out there ride". You can leave ruts without leaving a mark on your bike, so until you actually have spent a lot of time digging, you may not realize the damage you do to the trail. Now damage to cycling's reputation to land managers and other user groups is a whole other story.

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