Try This


New Member
Go get a pen and a piece of paper. Now write down this number and use all capital letters. 370HSSV 0773H. Turn the paper upside down. :D
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I guess this is how everyone here builds up their post counts, huh?

Guess I just got one more then. Lame.
I guess this is how everyone here builds up their post counts, huh?

Guess I just got one more then. Lame.

No.... this is how people who are friends with each other communicate. It must be a hard concept for you to relate to (not having friends,) So,... you have to bait a topic to get someone to pay attetion to you? :hmmm:
::sarcasm on:: cut him some slack...he's just bitter that f=88 was shut down :rolleyes: ::sarcasm off::
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