What Are You Eating Right Now?

Went to AMA Pizza for a birthday dinner two nights ago, and it was pretty damn good. It's right near the Sourlands, so I assume @rick81721 and @fidodie know about it already.
Went to AMA Pizza for a birthday dinner two nights ago, and it was pretty damn good. It's right near the Sourlands, so I assume @rick81721 and @fidodie know about it already.

Awesome spot. Neopalitian pizza on point.

Was there on their one year opening anniversary and the had an accordion player. Really set the ambiance.
You may not know this about me, but I like pizza. (Yes, really)

My favorite?
Probably a close tie between a pie with spicy sopressotta (Zero Otto Nove on Arthur Ave) pvs a pie with hot cherry peppers and bacon.
Tonight it’s the latter from Mountainhouse in Sparkill.
Having grown scotch bonnets, hanañeros and ghost peppers, I’m no stranger to heat.
But somehow on this pie, the heat off these peppers is somewhat humbling.
In the most awesome way.
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