Trails in Toms River


New Member
Has anyone ridden the trails in the preserved Open Space Land at the corner of Hooper Avenue and Fisher Boulevard in Toms River, behind the Boston Pizza? I know they did a hash run there a few months ago and it sounded like the trails may make a decent size loop. I work right down the street and was thinking it may be a good place to ride some during lunch. It may also be possible to link up with some trails across the street at Ocean County College, I think I have seen an entrance along Hooper Avenue, but not sure. If anyone has any information on these trails, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
I worked at OCC several years back and happened to mention to someone in the admin that I was enjoying the MTB trails in the wooded areas of the campus. He politely yet emphatically told me the trails were off limits to mountain bikes. I never encountered anyone on the trails the whole time I rode there so I think unless you get hurt and then try legal recourse against the college you might be OK. I generally go on the theory that its easier to ask forgiveness than permission.
I worked at OCC several years back and happened to mention to someone in the admin that I was enjoying the MTB trails in the wooded areas of the campus. He politely yet emphatically told me the trails were off limits to mountain bikes. I never encountered anyone on the trails the whole time I rode there so I think unless you get hurt and then try legal recourse against the college you might be OK. I generally go on the theory that its easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

sounds similar to the scenario at CCC, they even posted signs saying no bikes or dogs. I think the signs are more for a liability thing, there's nobody to enforce and one of the local riders who works at the college and built alot of the trails asked a the college and they said there's no way to enforce it.
When I was a kid we used to ride dirt bikes in both places I seem to remember the trails behind the pizza place being double track and dirt roads where there used to be a bunch of crap dumped.but all that could have changed and the trails by OCC used to go back to what was called Toms River mountain this was way before the road from the collage to church road was cut.that too was alot of dirt roads and jeep tracks I have not been back there in forever...
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